I'm thisclose to replacing all my M gear with an X-Pro2

(snip) Also is the EVF is the only option for my Fujinon 14/2.8. I used to the X-T1 EVF and this focal length so it will be OK.

Willie, give the XP2's OVF a try with your 14 if you haven't already - I'm finding it to be very workable, just frame tight.

Personally (ymmv) I struggle a bit with the shorter APSC lenses, sure 18 may have a FOV like 28, but 18 doesn't really draw a scene like a 28 does!

Would you say more about what " draw a scene" means to you

Right now, I'm puzzled. The perspective is essentially identical because one stands in essentially the same place when framing a scene with both lenses. For interiors photography, I started out with two different F mount DX ultra wide zoom lenses. Then I switched to two different FX ultra wide zoom lenses. I ended up using the Fujinon 10-24/4. They all "drew the scene" the same. But they rendered differently.

How lenses render is an entirely different issue. Rendering differences are not necessarily linked to focal length. I suggest rendering differences between lens with a 65 X 46 X 75 deg field-of-view are no less diverse than those with different fields-of-view.

The 18/2 XF lens is a reportage lens. I find Klaus Schroiff's (Photozone) assessment to be accurate.
  • Center performance is fine until diffraction comes into play
  • Corner detail is below average until f 4
  • Field curvature also affects frame edges below f 8

I would add the 18/2 is one of the XF primes that peforms well near the minimum focus distance (~0.2 m).
It's funny how sometimes you get what you want, but then you find it really wasn't what you need. I think that's what I learned with my Leica buying spree.

I bought an M240 and Zeiss Biogon 35/2 this week and I'm kind of feeling the same thing. I don't know if it's buyer's remorse or the realization I could have gotten a lot of nice Nikon kit for what I spent on the Leica, or what.

I've been pining for a digital Leica for 3-4 years, and now that I have it, I'm not as happy as I expected.

Go figure.
I bought an M240 and Zeiss Biogon 35/2 this week and I'm kind of feeling the same thing. I don't know if it's buyer's remorse or the realization I could have gotten a lot of nice Nikon kit for what I spent on the Leica, or what.

I've been pining for a digital Leica for 3-4 years, and now that I have it, I'm not as happy as I expected.

Go figure.

Well, it wasn't a total wash for me. Last year I also sprung for two lenses I had wanted for ages - a 21 ASPH and the 75 Cron (damn you, Roger.) They will continue to serve me well on my M6, and maybe some day on a future FF digital M body. I'd still love to see something like a Q with an M mount, or even better a hybrid M where it has a dual magnification optical VF with digitally projected frame lines and a digital focusing patch in the center of the frame.
I bought an M240 and Zeiss Biogon 35/2 this week and I'm kind of feeling the same thing. I don't know if it's buyer's remorse or the realization I could have gotten a lot of nice Nikon kit for what I spent on the Leica, or what.

I've been pining for a digital Leica for 3-4 years, and now that I have it, I'm not as happy as I expected.

Go figure.

ya shoulda sprung for a Monochrom.

Might be of a different mind had you done so.
If you haven't used equipment for over a year, sell it. If you don't like using something, sell it. But maybe a trip, or any new environment, will reinvigorate your photography more then new equipment.
The selloff begins - my X-Pro1 has found a new forever home. And I repacked my M bag for the M6 instead of the M-P240.

The more I use the XP2 the more impressed I am.
I don't think that's entirely accurate.

In the UK at least used M240s are going for under £3000 on ebay, yet still cost around £5000 new

Conversely, X-Pro2s cost £1350 new and go for around £850 on ebay. So on the one hand the percentage isn't so different, but there's a hell of a difference between taking £2000 bath and £500 one

Now a lot of people when presented with this say,

'Ah but I meant buy a secondhand m9 it'll always be worth what you paid for it'

Very true, the M9/8 are pretty much at the bottom of their depreciation curve, so that's true. But equally one could buy a secondhand X-Pro1 for about £250ish and say the same thing

In the 2016 'black friday' vendors were ditching the X-Pro1 and two lenses and a case for £500 brand new. Had one bought that and flipped it all 18months later one would have made money.

Incidentally in the same Black Friday other vendors were punting out the Leica M-E and 35 & 50 summarits for £5000. You'd have made money on that deal too.

I suspect the m240 hasn't done owners many favours in terms of resale, it was (and continues to be) available for a very long time, leading to high market saturation, thoughout its life many have compared it unfavourable (rightly or wrongly) to the M9, and now the M10 has landed, the poor M240 has been met with a wave of ambivalence

Definitely a buyers, not a sellers market for one.

Leica glass is of course a different story, but the bodies are deprecating digital products, just like all the other cameras

I wouldn't. Don't get me wrong, I love Fuji. I really do, they did something incredible. It is a joy to use. Images look great. But when I open my Fuji files (mostly using the 35mm 1.4 or a x100s), they are not as good as the ones coming out of my Leica with a 50 Summicron from 1963. Again, it is not a bad thing for Fuji, it's much cheaper and images are almost there w/ the Leica. But zee Germans got the edge, and since you already have the Leica gear, I wouldn't sell it.

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I wouldn't. Don't get me wrong, I love Fuji. I really do, they did something incredible. It is a joy to use. Images look great. But when I open my Fuji files (mostly using the 35mm 1.4 or a x100s), they are not as good as the ones coming out of my Leica with a 50 Summicron from 1963. Again, it is not a bad thing for Fuji, it's much cheaper and images are almost there w/ the Leica. But zee Germans got the edge, and since you already have the Leica gear, I wouldn't sell it.

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You're a little late to the party :) , but to recap I decided to split the difference - I picked up an X-Pro2 with 14, 23/2 and 50 (I already had the 35/2) but am keeping the M6 with 'vit and my three main Leica lenses (21/3.4, 35/2 and 75/2.)

The XP2 has been working out incredibly well, I have a backlog of processing just waiting for me to move and set up my iMac. The house is in total disarray with my fiancé and her daughter moving in before the wedding.