latest additions to your library

"How to Change Your Mind" by Michael Pollan. Great guidebook to psychotropic substances.
"Argentina" photo book. Wanted to see what I missed when I was there...
I've picked up a few Lee Friedlanders recently. "Signs", "First Fifty", both recent publications, and a used copy of "Letters From The People".

I was delighted to see the "Letters From The People" was a limited edition, signed and numbered by Friedlander--15/250. It was from an Amazon vendor who did not indicate it was a special edition of the book. It was in good condition and relatively low priced as well.
Tony Ray-Jones (Martin Parr Foundation and RRB Photobooks) ISBN 978-1-9160575-0-0. Excellent book, now one of my favourite photo books ever. Highly recommended.
Newly minted and heavily revised and brought up to date “The Film Developing Cookbook”, by Anchell and Troop is proving to be an essential resource for those who like that kind of thing, as well as a surprisingly entertaining read. Absolutely the best single resource for those who shoot film, even, probably, those who don’t develop it themselves.
Seriously, if you shoot B&W film, there’s no way to acquire off the internet the same level of expertise that you would gain from reading this book. It’s 40 bucks, just do it.

Also just acquired Bruce Barnbaum’s “The Art of Photography”, 2nd edition which has a distinct viewpoint which might make it a bit more limited in its appeal, but well done nonetheless.
Tony Ray-Jones (Martin Parr Foundation and RRB Photobooks) ISBN 978-1-9160575-0-0. Excellent book, now one of my favourite photo books ever. Highly recommended.

I have the Russell Roberts book. Quite an enjoyable book! He took a lot of great photos in his sadly short life.
Photography: A Cultural History by Mary Warner Marien. I've been curious about this book but was put off by the high price. Finally found a cheap copy on Amazon.
A couple of weeks ago I recieved the second issue of the Steidl magazine which is sent free if you request it.

As conseqquence...I bought two books:

Photographie by Karl Lagerfeld

and as a Polaroid lover of course ...imagine what could I not miss ?

Polaroid sx-70 by William Egglestone
After having pre-ordered just over two years ago, I finally received Eggleston's "Morals of Vision". I'm told by Amazon Eggleston's "Flowers" will arrive tomorrow.

I've also become interested in John Gossage and I've pre-ordered his book "The Nickname of Citizens", the third installment of a series he is doing. I revisit Gossage's "The Pond" very often.

And, in a less artsy but more photo oriented mode, there's "Nikon: A Celebration, Third Edition". It should be here later in the week.
Just arrived two books I think will be interesting for my both passions, photography and drawing.

"Vision and Art - the biology of seeing" This book was mentioned by the photographer Mark de Paola in this interview I wartched during the lockdown. Of course I like Mark's approach to photography

"Interaction of color" by Josef Albers is a much more known book in the art world.

"Koudelka: Returning". Highly recommended. Also, the new Roy DeCarava retrospective and the new edition of his "The Sound I Saw".
Just arrived two books I think will be interesting for my both passions, photography and drawing.

"Vision and Art - the biology of seeing" This book was mentioned by the photographer Mark de Paola in this interview I wartched during the lockdown. Of course I like Mark's approach to photography

"Interaction of color" by Josef Albers is a much more known book in the art world.


I bought the Vision and Art book as well after seeing that interview. It's in my cue of books to read
gas is nothing compared to bibliomania. :D

the new color photography - sally eauclaire
beauty in photography - robert adams
the new west - robert adams
los alamos - william eggleston
henry wessel - henry wessel
saul leiter - saul leiter
the park - kohei yoshiyuki

Well, it's like a quote attributed to Ghandi about Christianity. "A nice religion , people should practice it".. I would say applies to anti racism and those that profess it..