Let's see your Olympus Pen

Nothing extraordinary:
Ever since I saw and replied to this thread last year, I've been trying to explain to myself what I find so very appealing about these cameras. When I started using my FT, it was an experience that I've had with no other camera. Still, I'm at a loss for words. Perhaps the appeal is that it is such a complete and competent instrument in a small package.

The PEN Ss I have are awesome snapshot cameras. I haven't had the pleasure of using one of the PEN SLRs, but have handled one and they are really cool cameras. There is a lot to list for the things I like about my PEN Ss, but mostly, to have a fully mechanical camera this small is a real treat.
Pen FT's and lenses

Pen FT's and lenses

My two Pen FT's and lenses. The 42mm 1.2 and 20mm 3.5 are recent acquisitions and I haven't used them on the FT yet, looking forward to trying them (though I did some testing with them adapted to Micro 4/3 yesterday and as expected the 42mm is relatively soft, especially at wide apertures, and the 20mm is very contrasty and sharp).
