M 262

just to capture this in one place

Brand New 262: ~5200usd
Brand New 240: ~6400usd
Used 240: ~3500-4000usd

Weight difference is about 80grams according to the specs.
Removal of LV, Front Focus, and Video buttons (and associated LV & EVF features)
Quieter shutter but not exactly sure by how much.

I guess to some people, those might be important, but to pay more for a feature set which is largely reduced? Again, I understand 80grams is an "improvement" (negligibly so for me) and the quiet shutter may or may not matter to some people. I do wish my m240 was a little quieter but it's OK.

I get that the warranty adds peace of mind, but many of these used leicas are only barely used. To some extent, I think I'd rather have a ~3 year old camera, with a 3-5k shutter count, that still works fine, than a first model production of anything. A lot like buying a diesel truck with 75-100k miles on it, just barely broken in.

I suppose as I first stated, if I dont get it now, I probably wont.

I'll pay a little more for a new camera that doesn't have all the things I don't want or need. Oh thats right I just did.
For what is worth, from my standpoint your street pictures are by far the best ones I'm seing in this forum.
I understand you about the "BW seing" completely, as it's my nature too, even if several miles behind the way you do it.
I'm really impatient to see what you'll be doing by the 262.

Side note, just for general ("funny") info, the most famous M262 German product so far is this one, made by Messerschmitt rather than by Leica, and it was a very innovative product about 60 years ago:


Thanks and the 262 is probably going to be more for commercial work. With the exception of the first M Leica M has really never been innovative in terms of latest or a lot of bells and whistles. How long did it take an M to get a meter? Still don't have auto focus and thats quite alright by me.

To me a great camera is something to hold light sensitive material. A lens to focus the light on the light sensitive material. An aperture to control the amount of light striking that light sensitive material and a shutter to control how long that light is allowed to strike that light sensitive material.

I like my MM and will probably like this M 262 for all the stuff it doesn't have.
Thanks Huss. For the streets it's just the MM and 35lux. The new 262 was bought mostly for commercial work but I'm sure it will find its way out there from time to time. For when I do use it on the streets I have a Zeiss 35 biogon I will probably use on the M 262.
Love the B&W portraits, the lens works well on this camera. And I like the colors as well, the skin tones seem to be very good.
I too really like the rendering
Be it B&W or color
With this Camera

What is the difference between it and the 240 ...

Congrats Allen, your off to a Great start !

Hi Helen and Happy New Year.

Thanks and the diff is it's quieter, lighter in weight, it has no video or live view and its a couple of K cheaper. Kinda like the M-E was to the M9.
Well, airfrog, your color shots are, um...very colorful. But the subject seems to be the color itself. In my (not so humble) opinion they can't be compared to your outstanding B&W work. No offense.

Thanks Harry and no offense taken. My B&W work is my street work and there is a big reason I do that in B&W. Just taking the new camera out for a spin.

The 262 was bought mainly for my commercial assignments.