New York May NYC Meet-Up: New Uptown Location

If you don't mind a female tagging along, I'd love to see the work and be part of the meet. I went to the one back in February (I think, or was is March?) and had a great time and would love to join in again.

I'm coming in from Long Island so have to make some definitive plans... I'll let you know tomorrow for sure. It may be just me, or I may drag my husband and daughter along with me (she's 16)... Let me know if that's not ok...

If you don't mind a female tagging along, I'd love to see the work and be part of the meet. I went to the one back in February (I think, or was is March?) and had a great time and would love to join in again.

I'm coming in from Long Island so have to make some definitive plans... I'll let you know tomorrow for sure. It may be just me, or I may drag my husband and daughter along with me (she's 16)... Let me know if that's not ok...


Hello Amy, All are welcome. I just remember and know from the January Meet-Up that in New York anything is possible. I know you will love the work displayed.

Sorry for the blackout period, but yesterday a miracle happened: I recieved delivery of my Mamiya 6 and 50/4.0 wide angle. Wow is it clean. The lens is so fresh that the focus is still stiff like a brand new lens.

Only 2 3/4 pounds and the rangefinder is really good providing a fast focus. Acually a lot smaller than a Nikon F3 with motordrive.

Come meet "Junior the M-6."

Also want to have some form of gear competition and giveaway as a door prize. Its always interesting fueling the rivalry and competition among New Yorkers who are know to be very aggressive.

Since I have a Juki commercial sewing machine and I am taking classes at FIT to learn men's tayloring, I will custom make a pouch/case for a rangefinder viewfinder. Since I wear designer glasses I have the micro cloth that has the logos for Prada. Donna Karen and some cool colors like purple and green. I even saved part of the tags from Paul Smith to possibly use as draw strings for a pouch. This will be for a one off. I'll bring some raw materials to lay a foundation for some possibilities.

Bring your cool VF; and, if you are the lucky one, you will get a custom made one-off that you will help design. Its all fun. I want to see some cool gear. I'm thinking making a case/pouch out of layers of microfiber cloths. Can be any brand: Nikon, Canon, Leica... Please bring the lense with the matching focal length to aid in the judging.

Good luck.

Barrett are you coming? We need a judge, or I can't play.

Trying to keep establish the surprise element that seems to be part of the spontainaity that makes each Meet-Up great, regardless of the size/turnout.

Hi Scott -- There IS a subforum for a NYC group; indeed it's right where this thread just got moved to. Enjoy! :cool:

Thanks, Doug. I saw that, but I wasn't sure what 'North East NY City area' referred to—like, Mott Haven?

Edit: Oh, so North East refers to our location in the US. Ah, that makes sense.
I hit David Copperfield's the other night and had some fish and chips as well as a Stone Imperial Russian Stout ... I just hope Sunday isn't a busy sports day.
I hit David Copperfield's the other night and had some fish and chips as well as a Stone Imperial Russian Stout ... I just hope Sunday isn't a busy sports day.

I had the fish and chips a while back. Yummy. Seems like there are NBA playoffs. New York Meet-Ups are always interesting.

Hey, did I give you some GAS. Do you want to shoot the square?

Use to shoot everyday. Left the house with a camera everyday. Just gave me an excuse to get there later than normal, but after a while the Upper East Side kinda got to look the same.

Anyway I like exploring.

See you soon.

Cal, I've been going back and forth on the square format, but I'm starting to think it may be to my benefit to abandon film for all but the most special of projects.

Yes, the UES isn't the most interesting part of town... but I force myself to find something to photograph anyway.
I'm going to have to skip Sunday... Sorry guys, I'll try to make the next one... I just have too much going on this weekend.
Ut oh, this might be the smallest turn out yet.

So far its you, me and Scott. I'm sure we'll have a good time. Seems in the past casual meetings (non NYC Meet-Ups) everyone was rather harried and busy.

For all you guys and gals out there: in real life I'm not so obnoxious as in this forum. I hope I didn't scare everyone off by my loudness.

Still seeing Berenice's work will be worth it, and I look forward to the discussion later.

Yesterday shot two rolls with "Junior" the M6. This morning shot almost another roll. I'm thinking that Junior will be my everyday carry. Seems like I will be shooting lots of film.

Had another "Rat Shot" but this one was in the UES in Madhattan. A big blowup rat was set up in the bed of a pickup truck, right next to a street vender selling fruit. WTF?

Call me a poser, but carrying Junior wearing a bold Hawian shirt I look like a surfer/tourist. Not your typical New Yorker. Now back to work.

I will join you for a beer and some food at David Copperfield around 5pm guys and maybe at the MOMA before, to see one more time the exhibition of HCB.
See you on Sunday then !

Sorry for checking in late, gang; had a ton of last-minute tech-emergency requests from clients, including a pair of no-I-didn't-back-up-my-files-what-do-I-do-now? situations. Ouch.

Anyway...Cal, count me in for the print tour at S-K if there's still room.

While I certainly do imbibe, I'm not at all a Stout fan. I'm sure Copperfield's will accommodate. (And I assume they do cocktails reasonably well.)

I'll be coming with a few goodies as door prizes: another signed print, and a photo-tech book. If I'm lucky, I might have some additional stuff.

- Barrett
As David Copperfield's is practically on my doorstep, I'll be there. You can count me as a definite maybe for the Bernice Abbot.
See you all soon.
Okay, transportation is more gummed-up than usual here; I might not make to S-K in time, but will certainly make it to Copperfield's.

- Barrett