Medium Format ... long may it live!

Please allow me to post a humble portrait here. This makes me fell deeper in love with my 'Cord/

Arisan by jwicaksana, on Flickr

Oh and awesome job pacco and make me want a Mamiya C even more now..
John Start, Ventura Harbor

John Start, Ventura Harbor

Fuji GS645S, Ektar 100, UV filter, NCPS process & scan

©2012 Chris Grossman
Montmartre Cemetary
Mamiya 6 MF, 50mm, Portra 160

Good ones, Tom! I like the first shot poolside best, although Velvia is beautiful so that shot appeals. How many freakin' big Fujis do you have?!
Thanks Dave! I only have the three... still trying to learn exactly where the focus spot is on the GA645Zi. When I get it right, man it is sharp! The GW and the GSW are just plain sweet too, though.

How 'bout some Astia in the GA645Zi...
