New Leica M digital Monochrome camera announced

I sincerely hope that it will be priced well over 10k$ and no Japanese brand will follow this idea. Otherwise M9-M will kill B&W film.
Those wild and crazy guys at Solms actually did it. Gonna have to eat crow, never did I think it was a viable idea sales wise. I wish them luck.

I sincerely hope that it will be priced well over 10k$ and no Japanese brand will follow this idea. Otherwise M9-M will kill B&W film.

No way. A 9k system simply isn't affordable to most people. Even if we spend that much on film in 2 or 3 years, most people don't have that kind of cash available all at once to drop on a camera. I think film shooters will continue to shoot film.
Wouldn't buy it for the price but still nice to have a choice. Currently I have to say I'd rather buy 1000 rolls of tri-X than the Leica. I hope for Leica's sake that other photographers might think different.

I wish them the best of luck.


I'm wondering if I'd rather not process 1000 rolls of anything. It's a tough call really - except that I would have to sell my 35mm and MF film gear to make it work. Not got my head around that yet, as it's a one way ticket really.

Edited to add: I really hope it serves Leica well though. I know it's a luxury brand, but it does work.
If the camera underperforms, or is a blatant rip-off, then it won't sell.

But why do people get so offended by what Leica do?

they're one of the few companies still making things in Europe, without exploiting their workforce... I can't afford the monochrome M, but I hope it does well for them.

Their stuff is no more a rip-off than, say, an old Mint Plus Summicron for $2,200! For, let's face it, everyone despises capitalism until it's their own chance to turn a buck.

well-put ... the indignation puzzles me too

regarding the M9-mono, i'm thinking to what degree removal of the color filter array from the M9 sensor will do for sharpness, moire elimination, noise reduction (luminance only). this could turn out to be a stroke of brilliance ...
Their stuff is no more a rip-off than, say, an old Mint Plus Summicron for $2,200! For, let's face it, everyone despises capitalism until it's their own chance to turn a buck.

The whole country is built on capitalism. If you are an American, it should be in your blood.
I'd like to see a comparison between the Monochrom and an M9 with color removed.

Did it! Can not post for copyright issues but grab screen shots of Reid Reviews (if a member) samples, M9 color & MM of same subject, Bring in Photoshop and change mode to grayscale.

Marginal difference to my eyes!
Very cool that they did it.

I won't be buying of course but I'm rather curious to find out how it really does.
Is it April 1st? Really. This has to be the stupidest thing I've seen from Leica. 7K for a dumbed-down b&w digital camera? What? Are they serious? Are digital shooters so lazy they can't learn how to do a proper b&w conversion? Why oh why would anyone buy this camera?