NEX-7 Review From Steve Huff

He was buying the Sony Nex-7 prior to the review sample coming in, so take that with a grain of salt.

He is a poor writer who contradicts himself in all of his reviews (in this one he states that the Sony is the "best body for your Leica lenses" and then states that it is "no match for the M9" - LOL) !

I also have concerns about his impartiality. In his SLR Magic 12mm review he states it is a "FACT" that the flare has been improved 30 % from the copy he was reviewing ... where did he hear this FACT ? From the manufacturers - not exactly an unbiased source. Has he verified it for himself ? Nope. But it is still indisputable, honest-to-goodness "fact" according to him - why would a manufacturer ever lie or exaggerate about improvements to products they have sent out for review ??

When I queried this with him, he stated that he is a blogger NOT a journalist - as though the only form of integrity is "journalistic integrity" and as a blogger, he doesn't need to be held to any standards of accuracy or honesty ... which when you think about it is like me arguing I don't need to follow any of society's laws because I am not a lawyer or a policeman !!
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The M9 is a M9, the NEX is a NEX. One is full frame, the other isn't. I want my M lenses to perform with the qualities they were designed for. Cropped sensors can't do that. Ya can't compare.

I guess all M8 owners should just shoot themselves ;)

I used to cry myself to sleep everynight thinking about my terrible dinky sensor and what I could do if only I had whatever body you have.

Then recently I bought a contax IIIa with the 5cm 1.5 (uncoated 1937-why it was with a colordial i don't know). I shot my first test roll and what shocked me was how incredibly similar the lens performance and character was to my old nex. Esp if I turned off NR.



above 5cm/1.5 sonnar 1937 on both cameras.

If you don't think the nex 5n is getting damn close to the m9 as far as output is concerned (not mine,hehe)--well you are either not looking or looking REALLY hard. OK some of the wides do like the MLs on the kodak sensor better. But even those are looking good now.

Re Huff and poverty. Good lord, does he think all RF glass is priced like leica? Has he heard of CV? He has lots of connections who must have RF glass galore they would be happy to lend him, and for that matter a little skopar can be bought and sold for the same price in a weekend.

I do like his site and his reviews, but cmon Steve; step up a bit!
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How could someone who cannot write, let alone take half decent photos make a living by "writing" about "photography"? And has his own fans and devotees. This is just not right... Why the world has to be so unfair...
I am kinda curious who would pay to go with a workshop with him.

I'd give up a lot for the time and money to take Eugene Richards's class at the Maine Workshops (actually, I don't even know if he still does that class). But an online reviewer? Really?
The NEX7 seems like a formidable camera. But somehow the more I read about it, the more I look into it, the less interest I get. The larger lenses are also a let down, the 24/1.8 is quite huge incomparison to say Olympus's 12/2.

Sure apples to oranges, but I would rather get a Ricoh GXR or an EP3 for that matter... Mind you that I have used the Nex C3 before and I was pleased with it's performance, but I think it's just not that "great".
Steve's opinions about image quality must be taken with a grain of salt, as they are rarely based on any type of logical testing. Not much to see here.
we need to start our own site.

with help from guys over at FM I have it:

Rock Huffwell's Imaginary Image

Kind of like our own Onion.


56 uses for your M9 other than photography

Breakfast: why can't sony make pancakes?

Best antique folding camera over $50,000.

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This chatter should be about the NEX-7, not Steve Huff right?

Not entirely. This is a Steve Huff review of the Nex-7 not an anonymous review, so the two are inextricably linked and one must understand one to fully understand the other. Everything is interconnected, nothing exists in isolation and yada yada yada YMMV.

However if people are talking about Steve Huff without referencing his Nex-7 review at all, or at least notes of importance about the way he tests/reviews in general which may then be applicable to his Nex-7 review, you would have a point.
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Interesting review, appalling discussion.

Well ... the name Ken Rockwell now dooms a thread to the OT forum very quickly these days.

Seems like he might have company at the rate this one is going! :p
Not everyone can be liked but IMHO, when it comes to photographers getting somewhere with Leica M, Leica shooters can be overly harsh. Steve is doing what he loves and not forcing anyone to read his articles. He's not doing anyone any harm and he means well. It's not really fair that people are bashing because they may disagree with the words on a computer screen. Let's try and be as nice on the net as I'm sure we all are in person :)
Steve must be doing something right, he has a good number of fans.

The Sony NEX-7 looks like an amazing camera, one I would need to buy with the money I'd make from selling my R-D1. Not sure about that one yet...
I have nothing against Steve, some of his reviews I find interesting, some less. I find his writings are okay.

The NEX7 REVIEW is a bit overrated in my opinion, but each to his own, I may have a different opinion entirely about it.

However, a comment saying "How could someone who cannot write, let alone take half decent photos make a living by "writing" about "photography"? And has his own fans and devotees. This is just not right... Why the world has to be so unfair..."

I think that statement IS unfair. Some readers think his pictures are nice, and some think his writing is nice. It's entirely subjective.

I'm not related in Mr. Huff in anyway, but as I said, some I like, some I don't. Personal preference.
I have nothing against Steve, some of his reviews I find interesting, some less. I find his writings are okay.

The NEX7 REVIEW is a bit overrated in my opinion, but each to his own, I may have a different opinion entirely about it.

However, a comment saying "How could someone who cannot write, let alone take half decent photos make a living by "writing" about "photography"? And has his own fans and devotees. This is just not right... Why the world has to be so unfair..."

I think that statement IS unfair. Some readers think his pictures are nice, and some think his writing is nice. It's entirely subjective.

I'm not related in Mr. Huff in anyway, but as I said, some I like, some I don't. Personal preference.

Lets not forget many people here are more experienced than his fans. Steve is appealing to the right market because it's a large market of people moving into photography, just like he has. They relate to him and thats why he is successful. I doubt he really cares what die hard log-term rangefinder users think :D
I am fascinated by other peoples' opinions, ideas, etc. If the internet is to be judged on the quality of its writers then it is a complete failure. If I want to read quality writing I buy an actual physical publication. If I want to know what the guy next door thinks about something then I go online.

Usually I'm more interested in what the guy next door thinks :)

On a different note:

I'm really glad to see a mirrorless camera with a built in viewfinder. I can't take a camera without a viewfinder seriously. Hopefully viewfinders become standard on mirrorless cameras. It's ridiculous that they aren't already, but I don't know enough to say if it is technology or design that is responsible for that. I just spent a few minutes reading about e-mount lenses and am really happily surprised to see that they have reasonably fast wide lenses which is also a must for me. Video options seem great too.
Some of the opinions are interesting, but the article as a whole is, I'm sorry, an unreadable piece of drivel.
The only thing I was waiting for in this review was a good user report on using different manual lenses with focus peaking in different scenarios. There was only marketing speak about the feature, and he only tried one lens (Summitar 50, not a super fast lens, fairly long considering the crop). So, I will just keep on waiting.