NEX-7 Review From Steve Huff

My main criticism of Rockwell is that he is too full of himself. I mean, the man puts notices on his pages that you owe him $5 if you print out the page because he considers a printout an illegal copy. He's admittedly become quite good at being at the same time both combative and self-contradictory in order to drive up page hits and eventually Amazon clickthroughs.

My main criticism of Steve Huff is that he's a bad writer. I find his style extremely difficult and uninteresting to read and his arguments are often presented in an incoherent and half-baked way. Also I don't LIKE it when people capitalize every other WORD as if they were SHOUTING so that even a complete DORK can understand what GREAT stuff they are talking about. (In FORUMS you see that TOO - for an example, together w/excessive abbreviations b/c ppl R 2 lazy 2 spell out, see post #2 above). I guess people in general don't mind, but if you read stuff for a living you do begin to notice the difference between good and bad writing, and if I can choose where I read my reviews I prefer those where people care about their writing.

Well noted though!

P.S. plz PPal me $0.05 if you f1Nd my reply USEFUL :D
My only beef is that Steve is too much of a showman, and has way too many biases to make me take his opinion with a lot of weight.

And personally, I don't think he's that poor. He probably earned a fair bit being the official cameraman for Steel and other things.
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I have no beefs with Steve Huff. As with all bloggists I do not agree with everything they write but thats life.

As to the NEX 7 am I odd or does this strike you as an uncommonly sexy looking camera. There is something about this camera that looks really very appealing to me. Never mind if it takes good photos or not.
I don't mind Huff and Rockwell, they're informative, but I'm with rxmd, though I actually regard them both as horrible writers. It's rare, though, to find somebody who writes really well on technical subjects.

Agree with Peter, the 7 is a wonderfully sexy looking camera--I never expected such marvelously good design to come from Sony.
I don't have much against Steve Huff or the type of pictures he takes (they are more informative than a brick wall or the same set of objects against the same backdrop year after year after year, hey there dpreview!).

I just find his writing style horrid. It's a pain to sift through the superlatives in search of some signal lost amidst all the noise.

And I was disappointed that he couldn't test wide angle M/LTM lenses, especially since you can have some of them for very little money (that is, "very little" when you consider what revenue the guy is going to earn through this article), and especially when it's something that definitely needs improvement on the Nex cameras.

Other than that, I like the "regular guy" type of reviews he does. :)
I just wish he managed to do them without ten pages of introduction.
He probably earned a fair bit being the official cameraman for Steel and other things.


He was the official camera man for Steel as well as Seal? Wow, lucky! :eek: