New York "No Longer Empty" "Fresh Out Of Storage" Group Show


Gear Whore #1
Local time
9:00 PM
Nov 11, 2008
Save the date: October 13th for the opening of "Fresh Out Of Storage" a group exposition. The location is 645 West 44th Street and West Side Highway.

In the early summer I received an e-mail soliciting artists who store their work in Public Storage, by "No Longer Empty" an organization that does these pop-up exhibitions in vacant spaces all over NYC.

I applied and made the first cut and had a curator visit my public storage unit. At that time I was videotape interviewed for a documentary that will premiere at the opening of the show. Thereafter this documentry will be available online.

Today I got the notice that I am one of eleven artists selected for this group exhibition that will be held at the 44th Street and West Side Highway Manhattan Mini Public Storage Facility that will run October 13th through October 21st.

Nice... I'll mark it on the calendar. Any idea on the time.?


Still early, but there will be a later e-invite.

Too bad I have no Social Media to exploit. LOL.

click on "Artists"

click on Calvin August Lom for the 5 Monochrom images that set the hook, but know that the curator picked a film image I shot with my Tele Rollieflex at night with a tripod.

I'm glad that this image was selected because I have a copy of this print already museum framed hanging in my living room, and because it technically is a wonderful silver wet print of an iconic shot. I'm kinda broke right now after buying a new Leica SL.

When I get the e-invite now I have a Chelsea Gallery Director and a SoHo/West Broadway Exhibition Director to invite. It would be really great to hook a few more shows this year, even if the exhibitions are booked next year.

The shot of Columbus Circle Interior/Exterior I intend on getting wet printed by Digital Silver Imaging 4 foot by 6 foot later this year. Basically I'm printing for real estate that is like the 58.5 million dollar upper penthouse on top of the Puck Building that I saw earlier this year. I hope they run the same pre-pay deal they do every year at DSI at PhotoPlusExpo.

Following the Housing Bubble business model of printing big and some rich guy will buy it seems to be working. LOL.

Great Cal... Congrats, . Should be Fun !


It kinda is my style to have an exhibition at a Public Storage. LOL.

I took a look at the space. I had to sign a waiver about liability/theft so I scoped out the security. Mucho survailance cameras.

It will be interesting to see the editing of the documentary (storage visits). One artist I understand used Public Storage half of her storage unit as a studio workspace. How crazy is that?


Years ago my old boss rented a work space at a public storage on 23rd street, it was a windowless office but had a jack for phone etc. Not a nice place to work but a big step up from a storage space.


Years ago my old boss rented a work space at a public storage on 23rd street, it was a windowless office but had a jack for phone etc. Not a nice place to work but a big step up from a storage space.



Back in the early 80's I rented a garage in the Long Island suburbs as my painting studio. Pretty much was like camping out and being an artist. At least the Public Storage has clean bathrooms and is heated.

I basically was in Van Gogh mode suffering as a poor mucho skinny artist. I weighed about 130-135 lbs back then. Looked kinda like a drug addict and people were scared of me. LOL.

Congrats Cal, look forward to seeing the show.
Might be able to make it up on the 13th.
What time would it start then?
Congrats Cal, look forward to seeing the show.
Might be able to make it up on the 13th.
What time would it start then?


So far no time is set up.

The premier of the documentary I'm looking forward to seeing.

An e-invite is coming forthwith I am told.

Funny thing is that the Curator picked a silver wet print when all my submissions that I used to set the hook for the "Storage Visit" were Piezography prints shot with a Monochrom.

Anyways you can judge my analog technic by this night shot that used a Tele-Rollieflex and required trespassing in a rail yard using Fuji Acros and Diafine. Mucho detailed and a full range of tonality even though a night shot using about a minute and a half exposure.

Great Crazy Time for you Cal, keep us informed please :)


Follow the link I posted in post number 3 to see the five images that set the hook and got me a "Storage Visit." The Storage Visit lasted about an hour.

Multiply that by 18-19 artists that had their storage units visited and it is a lot om material to edit into the documentary.


"After visiting over ten Manhattan Mini Storage facilities, interviewing 19 artists at their storage units and reviewing their stored artwork, ten artists have been selected for Fresh Out of Storage.

"Included in this group are: two self-taught artists; an old-school photographer with thousands of negatives documenting a changing New York; a large-scale mixed media painter who collapses personal and environmental concerns; an abstract painter who began his practice at six years old; a Punk-Minimalist working with materials that made and make a city; a photo-journalist and film maker reinterpreting his archives through contemporary technology; an artist coping with eviction by creating memories of place and possessions; a portraitist of emotions; and a mixed-media artist creating socially conscious narritives by re-purposing personal archives.

"What do these ten artists have in common? They are all New Yorker based artists dealing with the chronic shortage of affordable space in the city for both living and creating their work. As Blake Malouf said during her interview, "I moved to New York in 2011, and since then, not only has my art been in storage but my artistic life has been in storage as well." Storage therefore, becomes a way of coping but, whether it be the storage of these individual artists' works or the storage of collections of art patrons or museums, storage, nevertheless, removes work from public view and circulation. Fresh Out of Storage, allows some of that work to be seen again.

"The exhibition will be held at the Manhattan Mini Storage facility located on 645 W. 44th Street and the West Side Highway from October 13- October 22. The opening reception will be on Thursday, October 13, from 5:30-8:00 PM."

Fresh Out of Storage is a partnership between Manhattan Mini Storage and No longer Empty.

Curator Ariela Kader
Tomorrow, Friday, I have a meeting with the Curator and other artists. We are suppose to drop off our work.

October is a busy month with this show, PhotoPlusExpo, and this Saturday the Class of 76 from Valley Stream Central has its reunion.

I have to empty my Public Storage once again to get to all the boxes for the Nikon 58/1.4 AF-G, Nikon D3X, and SB-910. The SL kinda crushes the D3X really badly, especially with the 50 "E60" which is an ideal/perfect lens.

For a portrait lens the Noct-Nikkor with its longer reach and F1.2 is kinda special. Anyways the SL is by far my best camera. Earlier this week shot my Monochrom. What a retro experience that was when shooting the SL for over two weeks. The Monochrom is still a great four year old camera, but the advances in the SL are mucho impressive.

I'm starting to hoard cash for the 4 foot by 6 foot print I will order from Digital Silver Imaging. Then I need about $1.2k for framing.

Congrats Cal, look forward to seeing the show.
Might be able to make it up on the 13th.
What time would it start then?


The opening is on Thursday October 13th 5:30 PM-8:00 PM at the Manhattan Mini Storage at 645 West 44th Street and the West Side Highway. One can see the aircraft carrier Intreped from across the West Side Highway.

Tomorrow, Friday, I have a meeting with the Curator and other artists. We are suppose to drop off our work.

October is a busy month with this show, PhotoPlusExpo, and this Saturday the Class of 76 from Valley Stream Central has its reunion.

I have to empty my Public Storage once again to get to all the boxes for the Nikon 58/1.4 AF-G, Nikon D3X, and SB-910. The SL kinda crushes the D3X really badly, especially with the 50 "E60" which is an ideal/perfect lens.

For a portrait lens the Noct-Nikkor with its longer reach and F1.2 is kinda special. Anyways the SL is by far my best camera. Earlier this week shot my Monochrom. What a retro experience that was when shooting the SL for over two weeks. The Monochrom is still a great four year old camera, but the advances in the SL are mucho impressive.

I'm starting to hoard cash for the 4 foot by 6 foot print I will order from Digital Silver Imaging. Then I need about $1.2k for framing.


Cal that Leica is indeed sweet!
CAL! This is so cool !!
I love the ideas that your work and this exhibition bring up - the unending creativity of fellow artists & photographers never ceases to amaze me.
I am sorrier than you know that I will not be able to attend (still organizing details to move). But I celebrate this for you --let us know how the exhibit goes!!