New York "No Longer Empty" "Fresh Out Of Storage" Group Show

Cal, great show! It was nice reconnecting with you and NYC RFF'ers by extension. I want to be more active again. I'll try to make the PhotoPlus meet-up. If not, definitely November.

Thank you everyone who attended. For me it was a great night and very special.

The level of support from my friends deeply moved me. It seems over the past 7 years our monthly Meet-Ups have developed into one very powerful support group. In a way we need to acknowledge that we have created a better world where there is safety and understanding, at least in regards to photography.

Anyways we have a great group and in a way it has a level of comfort and understanding that is like home. If only the real world was more like our NYC Meet-Up, the world would be a much better place.

It is profound how difference a day can make. It seems there is a great clarity in that in the past I felt like a struggling artist, one that was sidetracked by a day job and so many disruptions of life. Now I feel that I am living the life, I found my identity, and I'm in the place where I want to be.

"Maggie" told me that she saw my level of comfort last night as she witnessed an artist emerging. This is not my first show, but this was the event that marks a new beginning for me. I really see that a breakout is going to happen.

It also becomes evident that outside forces are advancing my photography like Maggie's blog. Fashion Photography is actually un-natural and hard for me, but the growth and struggle are both good for me. Then it seems interesting that Maggie and me are being recognized as an interesting couple, and it seems very likely we could develop into a powerful "brand."

Anyways many thanks for all the support. Know that years ago when Damaso handed me the responsibility of the NYC Meet-Up I saw it as a great burden, but know that I got back more than I ever gave. Again: many thanks.

A great show in a great location. Just don't forget the little people, Cal, as your star (or moon?) continues to rise!


My head will never get so big that won't fit in the Javet's Center. Sometimes it is just being lucky, and in Chinese culture if one has good forture it is good karma to share that luck.

It seems to be working because again and again the most unusual and unexplained great luck happens to me repeatedly and it seems almost like "Divine Intervention."

Humbly I still am thankful for the generousity of Chris and Joe who enable me to get a fresh nine year old Epson 7800 that had only made 1802 prints over it's life for only $100.00. To me this is kinda like a miracle.

In the music business the guitar player who thinks he's great usually sucks, and it often is the modest guy without the ego that has the monster chops and who really has the feel for the music.

I hope never to have the big ego, but being confident is another thing.

Funny thing is my daughter as a first grader threw down this third grade boy who was bullying the smallest girl in her class. Kia kinda lay on top of him and pummeled him repeatedly. Funny thing is I remember doing the same in grade school where I beat up the bullies. In third grade I kneed Raymond in the balls who was picking on Jimmy. While he was crippled in pain I kneed him again in the balls.

Last night was a private screening of the Documentry. 9 of the ten artists were present and it was really nice to see the show in it's entirety for the first time because the opening so rapidly became mobbed. There was pizza and I brought one of those 15 pound Lloyd's Carrot Cake from that tiny storefront on Lex and 99th Street.

I found out that Mike is a Professor at SVA who does the film department. He might be the chair. Anyways one of his images I was surprised was shot with 35mm film because it was printed bigger than 24x36. I thought it was medium format, in part due to the aspect ratio, and also the lack of grain. Anyways I was impressed and wondered about the possibilities of scanning and digitally printing my archive of negatives that were shot for wet printing.

It seems that this group show is likely to get extended another week due to its success. So far no word, but it seems likely. Otherwise this show closes this Saturday.

The audio on the Documentary had very mixed levels, so it was good to see this private screening to get the impact.

It seems that Jon Cone has developed another Piezography system and I am invited to be an early adopter even before it has been released. A blacker black; a variable split-tone verses my blended fixed split-tone; and one pass glossy printing that will cut down my printing time by at least a half and with some papers actually perhaps two thirds the required time.

Kinda works out for me to support two printers: a 3880 for proofing and small prints of 17x23 1/2 inches; and my 7800 for 24x36. This way I save a lot of wear and tear on my big printer.

It seems that people do not realize that the one photograph of a young man making "Chinese Eyes" is me in 1984.

It is not a Holga like effect that abstracts the image (the camera utilized was a Voightlander Bessa I with an awefull lens), but is the passage of 32-33 years that makes me unrecognizable. It is kinda funny because way back then I was about 135 pounds at 5'10", and the way I moved around in a jerky manner constantly moving kinda scared people because I appeared to them as being aggitated. It was as if I were on speed, but this was normal for me. Really big guys and bouncers were kinda scared of me because I was like a kinetic weapon: pure energy. LOL.

You have to know that soon in January I will be 59 years old, and today I weigh 148 pounds. Having graduated in 1976 I was rather uncontained and unrestrained. At my recent 40th year High School Reunion, I at least had some resemblance to my former self, but all the people I knew the faces and names did not match after 40 years, and I found myself in a room full of strangers.

For clarity, this was me.
