New York "No Longer Empty" "Fresh Out Of Storage" Group Show

Congratulations! I wish I could make it.

Thanks so much for your support.

Here is an update: some of you know that I went to art school in the 70's and initially was a painter. It seems this show is expanding more into an installation where additional works are being added to build into the demonstration models that are in the lobby that represent storage units.

One of my paintings that is a heavy construction of a combination of multilayered panels of glass is to be included in the show. This painting dates back to the early 1980's.

The Curator wants this painting and my night urban landscape to be shown together because she thinks they are "iconic" images.

I am so excited over this show.

After the premier at the opening the Documentary involving the 19 storage visits will be available online. I will be sure to post that link.


You might of seen the painting when I lived in that run down row house in Long Island City when I lived right next to a terrorist target (Citigroup skyscrapper). It is the image that layered 13 cent postage stamps with a blue abstract and an abstracted parts of a clarenet into one spacial image.

For everyone coming, make sure I introduce you to the Curator, Ariela Kader, who will be there.

"No Longer Empty" has opportunities for serious photogs like us who are under the radar. These kind of opportunities are on going. I would suggest data mining into their site to see what they are about.

They tend to be site specific and also involve the local community. Check out their mission statement and see how your work might fit in.

I took off of work yesterday to drop off a painting, and I used the free "Storage Taxi" service. Anyways it would of been crazy to transport a 60-70 pound painting that is comprised of layers of framed glass using the subway.

An early photography taken with a Holga-ish 120 camera of a young me from 1984 or so is included in the show. I kinda learned from my 40 year High School reunion recently that the decades kinda make one unrecognizable. Pretty funny since there were only two Asians in my graduating class of 641 and many either forgot who I was or did not remember me. LOL. What is striking is all the rest of my class was white folk.

I learned that the documentary is about an hour long. This is no small show.

Tonight is the opening at the Manhattan Mini Storage on 44th Street and Westside Highway. The gallery space does not get more urban than this, where you can see the aircraft carrier Intrepid just across the Highway.

This show has become rather big, and I have three pieces displayed in the show. One might argue that what I call a painting is really more like a sculpture because it is a rather heavy construction that I built back sometime in the 80's. There is a self portrait of me as a young puppy taken way before Holga like images of low IQ using 120 cameras. And to emphesize fine art developing, fine art printing, and fine art shooting a technically perfect iconic B&W silver wet print involving a night landscape shot with a Tele-Rollieflex.

Hope to see you at the opening tonight, which is also the premier of the documentary video of the 19 artist's storage visits by the Curator Ariella Kader. The film is about an hour long and a link will be established after the Premier.


Will the be screening the documentary tonight?



Tonight will be it's first screening.

Anyways this whole experience has made me think a lot about how I have lived my life, so many disruptions, so much confusion, and so many beginnings and endings.

I wonder what parts of the video will end up on the editing room floor. My interview was about an hour and a half.

Best of luck with the opening Cal.
I am working today in Philly so I won't be able to make it up.


I got a haircut. I kinda look like "Blondie" (Debra Harry) from the 80's. Funny thing that at my 40th year High School Reunion that basically many people out of the class of 641 did not recognize me. What makes it really funny is that there were only two Asians guys in the Class of 76 from Valley Stream Central in basically a sea of white folk.

I could also be mistaken for Brad Pitt with my shoulder cut, or maybe the cartoon character from the Disney animation "The Jungle Book."

Anyways it seems some well known photographer contacted "Maggie" about doing a shoot of us as a couple. This photographer is well established and has published many books. Now that Brad and Angelina have broken up, there now seems to be an opportunity for us.

My friend Mike the fashion photographer pro took some shots of us that were needed for a Tuesday meeting. Maggie ended up using some of these shots for her blog and Instagram. Maggie now has over 56K followers. Here Instagram account is IconAccidental. Just last week she broke through 50K followers, and in January of this year she only had 10K followers.

So now I am an accidental fashion photographer, and maybe an accidental fashion model. LOL.

Call me a lazy slacker, but I don't like the fast pace, the last minute stress, all the performance pressure... and all the busy schedule and deadlines. Too much like real work to me. LOL. I just want to relax, enjoy life, and do what I want to do.

What time is this at? I can try and swing by on my way out of work..



Aud-derbs and wine will be served.

Anyways a rather strange place to have an art show: Public Storage; but it makes sense to me and offers mucho style.

I also will be sporting my Leica SL with the lovely 50 Lux "E60."

I also made up some hand made business cards that are small prints (Piezography).

Make sure I introduce you to the Curator, Ariella.

Not sure if I'll be able to make it, busy until 7, then the trip there I might be getting there while the doors are closing. I'll try and see what happens.
Not sure if I'll be able to make it, busy until 7, then the trip there I might be getting there while the doors are closing. I'll try and see what happens.


No stress.

You work too much. LOL.

You should be a lazy slacker like me.

Anyways I'm enjoying a "Bonus Vacation." A Bonus Vacation is when I go to work, but my Boss is off. Anyways I kinda do all the work, I don't need a supervisor or micro-management, and anyways I kinda do what I want and don't listen anyways.

I will tell you that my boss has no personality, and of course he does not care for me. LOL. Basically I'm a jerk. LOL.

It seems Darrell from PA. emailed me.

It means a lot that he is coming from Pennsylvania to see the show.

BTW Darrell does Piezography also. Over the years he has been at a few NYC Meet-Ups.


No stress.

You work too much. LOL.

You should be a lazy slacker like me.

Anyways I'm enjoying a "Bonus Vacation." A Bonus Vacation is when I go to work, but my Boss is off. Anyways I kinda do all the work, I don't need a supervisor or micro-management, and anyways I kinda do what I want and don't listen anyways.

I will tell you that my boss has no personality, and of course he does not care for me. LOL. Basically I'm a jerk. LOL.


That's a helluva quote :D
I am amidst a career switch and it's slow to be on a proper job, while waiting, I have become a bit of a lazy slacker too.
I know I became one when I was taking the train to a morning screening in a film festival instead of work!

But having a "free" schedule is enjoyable. I'm guessing I'll have a bit of a hard time to adapt to 9-5'ing again.

Being on the other side of the pond and that makes me hard to make it there any soon. Best for the show!
That's a helluva quote :D
I am amidst a career switch and it's slow to be on a proper job, while waiting, I have become a bit of a lazy slacker too.
I know I became one when I was taking the train to a morning screening in a film festival instead of work!

But having a "free" schedule is enjoyable. I'm guessing I'll have a bit of a hard time to adapt to 9-5'ing again.

Being on the other side of the pond and that makes me hard to make it there any soon. Best for the show!


My life would be easier if my gal did not build frantic busy schedules. It is not easy being with a fashion blogger, but I do meet lots of interesting people.

At my age I can fall asleep anytime and anywhere. LOL. Just a few minutes ago I caught myself napping.

Anyways you use of the word "free" is the basic idea. No hassles, no stress, and do as one pleases.

I'm leaving work shortly. The receptionist took note of my look and style today. Anyways I look like a downtown type lazy slacker artist. LOL.
