Noctilux trance


Local time
12:36 PM
Aug 21, 2006
People here got to be shaken out of some hypnotic trance at which they believe that life cannot be lived without a Noctilux. Now there is one 2.hand - old type - for sale. The seller accepts only offers over 4,000 US$. This is the old version with the removable sunshade. Shade, well. There is still enough flare to go around.

That will not be the only trouble with this lense. Will it back focus on your M8? That will be the first issue. To find out will bring you sore eyes and a lot of fumbling. To get it corrected might demand that the M8/Noctilux combo must a trip to Solms. You will easily find out that to get the 4 mm thick DOF at aparture 1,0 to hit the model's right eye will kill all enthusiasm and patience. Of the model. First of all. Then you will find out that - even - Carl Zeiss 50 mm 2,0 does just as well a job. for a quarter of the cost. Hasn't this urge for Noctilux'es turned into a craze?
so far i had no desire for this lens.
But now! reading your post about how challenging it is to use it! i start to get interested :D
Olsen said:
People here got to be shaken out of some hypnotic trance at which they believe that life cannot be lived without a Noctilux. Now there is one 2.hand - old type - for sale. The seller accepts only offers over 4,000 US$. This is the old version with the removable sunshade. Shade, well. There is still enough flare to go around.

That will not be the only trouble with this lense. Will it back focus on your M8? That will be the first issue. To find out will bring you sore eyes and a lot of fumbling. To get it corrected might demand that the M8/Noctilux combo must a trip to Solms. You will easily find out that to get the 4 mm thick DOF at aparture 1,0 to hit the model's right eye will kill all enthusiasm and patience. Of the model. First of all. Then you will find out that - even - Carl Zeiss 50 mm 2,0 does just as well a job. for a quarter of the cost. Hasn't this urge for Noctilux'es turned into a craze?

Thank you for enlightening me Olsen
Olsen, don't you have one yourself ?

Plus US 4000 is nothing in Euros, ain't it ...

I have seen the lens you mention, and know the seller and it's a good
deal, I believe.

I don't think it's appropriate to start a negative thread on somebodies
classified auction either.

ferider said:
Olsen, don't you have one yourself ?

Plus US 4000 is nothing in Euros, ain't it ...

I have seen the lens you mention, and know the seller and it's a good
deal, I believe.

I don't think it's appropriate to start a negative thread on somebodies
classified auction either.


I agree. Don't pee on someone else's parade.

Olsen, I always shrug my head at all your posts.

You always keep on saying the lens is bad because your own sample is miscalibrated and each time when I respond that you should either send it for calibration or just calibrate your camera with a screwdriver, you vanish.
That, besides your constant erroneous posts on any subject matter (especially on economics) made me realize, long ago, that all you say is funny.
NB23 said:
Olsen, I always shrug my head at all your posts.

That, besides your constant erroneous posts on any subject matter (especially on economics) made me realize, long ago, that all you say is funny.

Please enlighten me. Off list please.
What is off-list?

And you, please enlighten us. Why don't you just send your lens for calibration? Or the Camera? How long will you be bitching the lens instead of just realizing it's maybe you?
ferider said:
Olsen, don't you have one yourself ?

Plus US 4000 is nothing in Euros, ain't it ...

I have seen the lens you mention, and know the seller and it's a good
deal, I believe.

I don't think it's appropriate to start a negative thread on somebodies
classified auction either.


Thanks for the comments Roland and others. The nice thing about certain types of people is you can just let them talk and it becomes evident to everyone what type of person they are. Keep talking Olsen.
and regarding the screw in hood...
I know someone who ripped his built in hood off so he could use one of the older style ones. :)
NB23 said:
What is off-list?

And you, please enlighten us. Why don't you just send your lens for calibration? Or the Camera? How long will you be bitching the lens instead of just realizing it's maybe you?

I have to send both the camera and the lense away for calibration. They will be away for weeks. Coding my lenses took 10 weeks. Sure, I will send them away at a oportune time. But I have an idea of what I will get since I have Canon's alternative too. A lense with such a tiny DOF is very difficult to use.

Regarding economics, - which I hope you have a PhD in, please enlighten me through a private message.
Excellent Noctilux photo Carl

Excellent Noctilux photo Carl


I would be very interested if you submitted this to your art class or teacher, fellow students whatever, along with the Biogon version with more DOF and without mentioning the lens or method asked which they liked better.

Of course it is subjective, and the Noct one could only be taken with the Noct but I wonder if I am in the minority in thinking it is just a better photo than the Biogon one?

cmogi10 said: