October 10-November 1: Change Nick to Real Name

Jamie123 said:
My real first name is Jean-Marc (I'm not french, though) but Jamie is a nickname most people call me by. I actually don't pronounce it "jay-me" but more like Jean-Mi (with french pronounciation).
You mean more like "J'en mis"? Salut.
I like my screen name - I've used it for years on all internet forums... anyone who follows a link I post to my pbase site can find out my real name. It's not hidden or a secret. I'm just always Silva on forums. The reasons for the name Silva Lining are another story!
Silva...that's almost the same as me...I've been Jester_rm, jesterrm, Jester (if not already taken) or just Jes for so long now, going on...er...how old is this internet thing again? That's just how I automatically relate online. Many of my friends that I've met first online just continue to call me Jes, that's fine by me.

In the internet world, I actually prefer it...it's a name I chose for myself for my own reasons...no real reason not to stick with it now :)

While not a giant, Dave is taller than me (most people are), so I have no poblem with the highness bit. And he has an M7, so that's roytalty in my book.

gabrielma said:
Suddenly I forgot your last name, Raid. ;)

Gabriel: Think of "Idi" .... and you may recall my last name. It now is a secret.
I must be firm.



I never made that connection Raid, but do recall when Idi was in the news a lot.

I just realized that Tim Allen, the actor, has a real name of Tim Allen Dick. So there's possibly some benefit to shortening a name!

raid said:
Gabriel: Think of "Idi" .... and you may recall my last name. It now is a secret.
I must be firm.

My handle is not something like Angrymanwithacamera, but Steamer. My parents named me Steven but my friends have called me Steamer for many years now, so if you don't mind I'll stick to Steamer.
raid said:
Gabriel: Think of "Idi" .... and you may recall my last name. It now is a secret.
I must be firm.

Raid, that's the last reference that would come to my mind when thinking of your last name!

As for a nom de plume, I'm rather fond of mine (I've had it prior to my introduction to the 'Net), so it stays. My real first name is always in my sig, and you even get a pic of my mug for an avatar. That's full-enough disclosure, methinks.

- Barrett W. Benton, Gent.
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memphis said:
I hereby christen Frank to be further refered to as "The Canuck Pendejo"
:eek: oh, my. I hope you guys are buddies. The relationship between two people changes the "degree" of the word when used to address one another, you know.

I first laughed, but a guilty laugh. I hope you guys are buddies. Right? Right?
Raid, One of my best friends has the same first name as you, so your name sounds as familiar to me as "john" or "Michael".

As far as avatars go, if an avatar is supposed to be a metaphor for one's personality, I'd rather play it straight and post my own picture.
gabrielma said:
:eek: oh, my. I hope you guys are buddies. The relationship between two people changes the "degree" of the word when used to address one another, you know.

I first laughed, but a guilty laugh. I hope you guys are buddies. Right? Right?

At least it is clearly not the meaning from Chile with the canook added and it can't be the female meaning since Frank is a male name :)
OK, I'll play along. I usually use my middle name online (so I have actually been using my real name). But amongst friends, I am happy to be known my first which is Marc. I answer to either.
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gabrielma said:
:eek: oh, my. I hope you guys are buddies. The relationship between two people changes the "degree" of the word when used to address one another, you know.

I first laughed, but a guilty laugh. I hope you guys are buddies. Right? Right?

I'd like to think so! :)
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Well ...

I'm not a frequent poster here, so I don't think it'll make much nevermind, but, hey, that is my picture there in the avatar ...


Oh, and I really was a professor for a few years ... and I'm on Social Security now ... so that's at least two out of three ...