October 10-November 1: Change Nick to Real Name

Nick R. said:
Raid, One of my best friends has the same first name as you, so your name sounds as familiar to me as "john" or "Michael".

Can I copy your reply, Nick, cause it's the same here?

Raid, One of my best friends has the same first name as you, so your name sounds as familiar to me as "Jean" or "Michel".

BTW, my first name is Marc-Antoine, family and friends call me Marc, people call me Marc-Antoine and my signature at the bottom of letters si always Marc-A. I have another name, which I keep secret if you don't mind (if you really want to know Raid, send PM ;) ); so do I with my last name.

Have a good day,

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I don't post much (long work hours) but when I found this forum and signed up, I discovered there was already a member here with the same name (first and last) as mine. I adopted a nickname to avoid confusion.
Mister_Hat said:
I don't post much (long work hours) but when I found this forum and signed up, I discovered there was already a member here with the same name (first and last) as mine. I adopted a nickname to avoid confusion.

Dave: Most importantly, we know that you are "Dave". The signature says it all.

It's still October, so if you want to announce your first name,this will be a good time to do so.


Larby was my school nickname

My family name was too long to register when joining RFF!
I wouldnt mind having my motr changed to my real name lol.

Hi all Im
Jay Gannon from the green island soon to be of La La Land :)
no can do, sorru

raid said:
We are fortunate to have this wonderful website, and I can see friendship and companionship being formed between RFF members. There is still one step to go to make communications more personal. It is a small step that will not cost you anything; just use your real name [may it be Bob Bob], and remove your nick or use it as your second signature.

I am making this the challenge for the next 20 days or so. By Thanksgiving[USA] time, we can chat with "Bob Bob" in place of "crazyguybecause" :)


Most call me Deed but my nick is my real name. Add Charles as my second name if you cant speak out Didier (it's french and has nothing to do with the german name Dieter). But Ludwig is a german name, used as first and last (last in my case). Cheers!
Didier said:
Most call me Deed but my nick is my real name. Add Charles as my second name if you cant speak out Didier (it's french and has nothing to do with the german name Dieter). But Ludwig is a german name, used as first and last (last in my case). Cheers!

Didier "Deed" Charles Ludwig: Thanks, Deed! A first name or nick will always do. It's only made-up usernames that can be a problem sometimes in communications, but I respect the wishes of individuals to stay anonymous.

Are you originally from the area between France and Germany?

raid said:
Are you originally from the area between France and Germany?

If you mean Alsace, no. I'm swiss, my Ludwig forefathers left southern germany during the 30-years-lasting-war in the 17th century. My father, from whom I have the german last name, grew up in the french speaking part in western Switzerland, moved to the german speaking part before my birth (but refused to speak german the rest of his life). It's my mother, from the german speaking part but speaking french perfectly, that had chosen the french name Didier. French is my mother's tongue but as many here I am 100% bilingual (or tri- if you count english in).

Sounds complicate but is just typical swiss... mind we have also italian and rhaeto-romanic (not familiar with romanian) speaking parts...
