OM, I've become a Zuikoholic!

Hi Vicky,
Just wanted to say love your Beckton Alps shots and that wonderful late afternoon "glow" :) Your `Arun` shot also has that "glow".

I really should put more film thru my OM1/2 and Vivitar Series 1 28/1.9, but my F6 usually wins the battle for my affections. I`m only just up the road from you (Crawley), so must get back down to the Arun again soon.

Can`t wait for your MK book to come out.

Roger (a VL fan) :D

Glad you like the pics, it's exciting as it's the beginning of the next project. Crawley isn't far away and a few people were wondering if my next project would be on Crawley! As it happens, it's not and whether I do another book on new towns or a new town, I don't know.

I'm umming and arring over getting an F80 (by no means an F6) as I really need to up my game for my next project, but it's quite likely I'll go for a Panasonic LX5 as I need to do some low light work (interiors in daytime and night.)

The MK book is on its way! Went to press this week and should have my hallways chocka with books by the end of next week hopefully! It's so scary, but also quite surreal.



Oh man... The things I'd do for this setup!

All with OM2 and 50mm 1.4.


that is incredible. portra really gives a photographer room to show their skills.

one from me:

Untitled by redisburning, on Flickr

I can't recall if this was the 50/3.5 macro or 40/2. Just wish I had access to a better scanner (lol walgreens) or better film (well, kodak gold 400 is 10 dollars for 4 rolls).

I have one from the 40/2 that is really just incredible. I really want a DR cron but maybe I just sell a kidney instead =/
OK, posting another shot of the 40/2 is bad enough, and on a 3Ti is an insult. But to have the shot re-posted multiple times through quoting is well beyond the pale. STOP IT, I SAY!!!

OK, posting another shot of the 40/2 is bad enough, and on a 3Ti is an insult. But to have the shot re-posted multiple times through quoting is well beyond the pale. STOP IT, I SAY!!!


I'll wait a couple of pages before I post some more camera porn of the 250/2 or 21/2 mounted on the 3Ti :D

No, seriously - these toys are for using, not for collecting or obsessing over... The shot I posted is the first ever shot of my camera that I have ever taken - with a camera phone of all things! I'd much rather post images taken with the tools.

My first roll shot with the 40/2 is done, just need to find the time to process and print some of the images... This is also the last roll I shoot in the camera before sending it on a 10,000km journey for a service at John H, methinks...

As an aside, the 40mm lens has an immensely pleasing tactile and mechanical quality to it. It's just about absolutely perfect. Fully imbued with the spirit of Maitani, and all that...

Thanks again Hannes, I am so glad I bought it! (well, when I process the negatives, I'll know for sure... :rolleyes:)
As an aside, the 40mm lens has an immensely pleasing tactile and mechanical quality to it. It's just about absolutely perfect. Fully imbued with the spirit of Maitani, and all that...

Thanks again Hannes, I am so glad I bought it! (well, when I process the negatives, I'll know for sure... :rolleyes:)

You're welcome! The 40mm is for taking pictures WITH it - but Lord knows it already has given you some good pictures-OF-it-admiration-mileage here in this thread! ;-) ;-)

Greetings, Ljós
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Anyhow ... I think it's now time to get back on track and post some OM shots. :D

OM-1 and 35-70 Zoom.


OM-1 and 50mm f1.4


OM-1 and 85mm f2

I can't match the fantastic combo of OM-3Ti and 40/2, but I can supply a shot of my OM-4Ti and 100/2 ED.


But I wouldn't post without providing a few examples taken with my OM gear!

OM-4Ti, Zuiko 50mm f1.4 SC, Fuji Superia

OM-10, Zuiko 50mm f1.8 MIJ, Fuji Acros
Nice shots Keith, AFEnvy. The 100/2 is a spectacular lens by all accounts. Never could justify having both it and the 90 Macro, so I've never even tried it, but it's right up there with the best. Let's see some shots with it?
Nice shots Keith, AFEnvy. The 100/2 is a spectacular lens by all accounts. Never could justify having both it and the 90 Macro, so I've never even tried it, but it's right up there with the best. Let's see some shots with it?

I only have a couple from this lens online, but here are some.

OM-4Ti, Zuiko 100mm f2 ED, Ilford HP5+


OM-4Ti, Zuiko 100mm f2 ED, Fuji Superia 400

OM-4Ti, Zuiko 100mm f2 ED, Kodak EV100S (two stops underexposed)
Nice shots Keith, AFEnvy. The 100/2 is a spectacular lens by all accounts. Never could justify having both it and the 90 Macro . . . .

What a crock! Reading this thread, it is so obvious that all of us Zuikoholics can pretty much justify ANYTHING with regards to getting more Zuiko lenses. That's why I have both the 100/2 and 90 Macro, as well as a whole mess of other primo condition Zuikos from 18mm to 300mm and don't feel the least bit bad about it!