OM, I've become a Zuikoholic!

OM-1 and 35-70 Zoom.


i absolutely love this photo.

Om2n 28f2.8 agfa ultra 50iso in Norway

i really like your Norway photos, but especially this one. <3

Thanks Will,
Here is another that I think I've posted before but I rescanned the print and cleaned it up a bit.
OM2, 50mm f/1.4, stocking over the lens.

.................................... :eek:

"holy cr@p" and "that'd look awesome on my wall" come to mind upon seeing this photo..............
Can someone recommend a screen for my OM-1 that is bright and clear without any focusing aids (i have young eyes)? I just want the viewfinder to be as bright as my Nikon F5...
edit: I don't care if the brightness changes the exposure accuracy either (something I read somewhere, for I can just compensate when I meter.

assuming no beattie or modded 2 series screen;

well 1-5 is the brightest but has a microprism. it's a clear field type so you cant judge depth of field at all.

there is no completely clear focus screen, the closest is like the 1-4 which has a circle and a finer ground matte part within.
The 1-4n is slightly better than the 1-4 because the ground glass area in the center is larger. i mad a mod'd 2-series screen in my OM-1n but didn't like it over the 1-4n. They may be tough to find, but well worth it!
i second that, the 1-4n is what i have, it's clear and the circle in the center match the spot metering of the Om4/3.

thanks gents & lady for the comments, nice!

Om2n 28f2.8 agfa ultra 50 - Norway

@ tomalophicon & JSU thank you !

Exposure was in AE, closed down at f16or f22, the film was Agfa hdc 100, i think the exposure was nearly three minutes as i was waiting for the strikes, that why it is so clear behind the coulds. i took three pics, the first two have a slight blur. Should scan some more got a whole lot with the Agfa film.

edit: Wrong, exposure was on B mode closed down f16 or f22.
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Very nice photo, Liquid-Sky! I just ordered a BGN grade OM-1 with a 50mm f1.4 and a 28mm 2.8 from KEH that should arrive on Tuesday. I got bit by the film bug again due to borrowing a lovely M5 from f16sunshine (thanks Andy!). I think I will purchase another Leica soon but I've always wanted the famous OM.
Yesterday I got a 2-13 off eBay for just 39€ (incl. mail).
Cannot wait to get it this week!
Really eager to see whether it does make that big a difference.
I will report back to the mothership. ;)

I'll simply ignore the inner voice that reminds me of my vow not to buy any camera related merchandise for a while...
I was desparate to use my new OM-4 today but still had a half exposed roll of LP400 in the OM-1. I took the film out of the OM-1 after making sure not to lose the leader when rewinding it and put it in the OM-4 and advanced it to just past the last exposed frame.

This gave me about twelve frames to expose in the new OM and I have to say the metering system is damned impressive. I have an old road underpass tunnel that I go to occasionally ... the light extremes are a challenge with normal metering but that spot system is in a world of it's own in these types of conditions. In AE you place the center circle of the viewfinder in the area of the scene you want exposed normally and press the spot button ... this locks the exposure on those settings until you take your shot! Or take several readings and it gives you an average when you take your exposure ... all automatically! It's bloody amazing!

I developed the film when I got home and those last twelve frames look perfectly exposed. I'll scan the film tonight and post a couple of images.
Another isue that seems to come up with every OM I buy is the shutter speed dial and this camera was no exception ... as stiff as hell and not pleasant to use at all.

I pulled them apart on both of my OM-2s when I got them and cleaned and lubed them paying particular attention to the detent system ... it's fiddly and there are a couple of small parts to loose if you're not careful but it's well worth the effort and the OM-4 was no exception. It's now much nicer and moves far more freely.

I did note while it was apart though that the whole thing is definitely not as well made as the one on the OM-2 or OM-1!
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congrats on the OM4 Keith - hope it's got the battery drain issue covered. Mine seems to be OK. Looking forward to the underpass - I recall some of your other tests using it.

and tell me - your impression of the finder, OM1 vs 4....?