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Shell Peco Jr 180mm f5.6 Fuji GX680 PanF+ D23 by Nokton48, on Flickr

Plaubel Peco Junior 180mm F5.6 Fuji GX680 Ilford PanF+ Plaubel Makina Film Back D23 1:1 JOBO Multitank6 Etone Tank Roller Omega DII 180mm black Rodagon laser aligned Arista #2 RC Dektol 1:2. Broncolor C200 Monolight Broncolor Octobox 150 Foamcore Fill Panel. Tim Layton digital background (printed at Sam's Club) on FOBA Sweep Table. Used a lot of camera movements to get the tines sharp as was possible.
Makiflex 150 F2.8 Auto Xenotar MINR Mammo by Nokton48, on Flickr

Foxglove on the back deck. Plaubel Makiflex with 150mm F2.8 Schneider Auto iris Xenotar lens wide open. 4X Neutral density filter added. Kodak MINR Mammography Film 18x24cm, cut down into four 9x12cm's. Microdol-X Legacy Developer 12 minutes at 74F. Aristo #2 RC 8x10 print, Omega DII laser aligned 180mm black Rodagon, Dektol dev 1:2. Handheld which I have been doing with Makiflexes a bit.

I like the "jagged" Xenotar Bokeh!
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Brewery in Duesseldorf.
Canon 7s, Jupiter-9, Kentmere 100@200, Adox XT-3, 1+1, 12 min.
Flatbed scan from print on Fotoimpex Easy Print RC.