Street Photographer Mentor (s) Wanted

So we have Colin, now who else ?

Vote for :

'jsrockit'....a new perspective of Chile from a New Yawker's Eye
Ned Bojic, yes, NB23, send him an engraved invitation! But wasn’t there a divorce with mutual nondisclosure agreement etc.?

I and no doubt others can think of a number of paragons to invite/include—Erik von Straten for film purists, Allen Bourgeois (airfrog) for Leica, Michael Bialecki (recent username change, I forget)....

But there’s the matter of what my namesake General Hill termed “stick-to-it-iveness.” Honorifics and invaluable experience and 10,000 exemplary images aside, who will follow up the best foot s/he puts forward?

Colin, Stephen (Helen, John, et al), how about approaching it with someone (Colin) volunteering steady oversight and regular programming—and with rotating guest slots, for spotlighting diversity, originality, location (ladies and gentlemen, John Gellings in Chile! Erik von Straten in Amsterdam! Helen Hill on the 7 Train!).
anyone remember Ned's street photography?

I know Ned and can reach out if need be.

My feelings about street photography are mixed so maybe that’s a sign I could volunteer? I shoot every single day in the streets however not in the usual approach. I would be interested

Did I mention my vote of support for Colin? ;)
Stephen, John D, Colin, Steve, Helen, John G et al—

I’ve been in touch with Ned Bojic. He’s intrigued by the possibility. I for one would like to see his photographic and filmic intelligence back in play in this forum.

He’s reachable on Instagram—NENAD, ned_bojic.
@rhl Oregon/ Robert,

I have not the Time to be a ‘’mentor’, but You have a good list of names and lots of creative photographers here on RFf,
Thanks for thinking of me. :D
@rhl Oregon/ Robert,

I have not the Time to be a ‘’mentor’, but You have a good list of names and lots of creative photographers here on RFf,
Thanks for thinking of me. :D

Helen, I was imagining The Street Photog Mentor(s) inviting RFF notables to do a gig here—a one-off feature about whatever you (or Erik, or anyone the Mentor invites) like, practice, think, use in your street work.
Helen, I was imagining The Street Photog Mentor(s) inviting RFF notables to do a gig here—a one-off feature about whatever you (or Erik, or anyone the Mentor invites) like, practice, think, use in your street work.

Yes Robert,
I completely understood... Perfect idea, and your obsessed about it ::D
Good for You to jump in too and share your knowledge
I can’t... Probably be spending less and less time here as I navigate a new Life

Thankfully it’s a big community with lots of Talent !
Thanks for the kind words, all. I'd like to know what's expected in order to be of help the most, just to make sure I can follow through...just to be sure.
At the least, I like the idea of contributing 'columns' or thoughts on an aspect of street photography -- I'm not as sure about moderating or programming, not least of which because I have little experience doing that and don't want to, as they say, sh!t the bed. :)

Thanks for volunteering, Colin, and good luck.

If you must be augmented by another to keep this going, I hope it operates like a good jazz duo (Keith Jarrett/Charlie Haden; Bill Evans/Jim Hall) who serve the theme and support one another’s improvisations.

Mainly I hope that the yet-to-be-decided mentor(s) will emulate Bill Pierce, rather than the all-too-common RFF pattern where someone (notable, talented, much-caressed, etc.) is elevated to A Mentorship—and promptly vanishes to another universe but keeps the ceremonial title here, while the threads slip, lose way, fray, and overall contributions dwindle. Week after week month after month, Bill Pierce takes time to outline or propose or elucidate something worth talking about photographically, and at the end (always!) asks, “Your thoughts?” And people respond.

Be Like Bill, that’s my lapel button for this and other RFF mentorships.

And I’m with Retinax—why not widen the scope. Not everyone who photographs with a candid, cultural, social- documentary eye has the luxury of metropolitan streets with a million passersby. Good luck!
Helen, I was imagining The Street Photog Mentor(s) inviting RFF notables to do a gig here—a one-off feature about whatever you (or Erik, or anyone the Mentor invites) like, practice, think, use in your street work.

I like this suggestion. It's really more of a facilitator role than actual mentoring, and rotating guest facilitators would bring a good variety of discussion points. It would also lighten the load on the head mentor.

To me, the role is less about SP skill and more about a commitment to the genre and the ability to start and facilitate conversations about it.

Ned is certainly a great photographer and I follow him on Insta, but I though he left here because of some altercation?
Separately I propose LynnB. He's got great talent, is perceptive yet gentle with his criticism, and prolific. He has no end of street shots, not just waves and lagoons.
If I recall correctly many of the RFF members don’t like the term “Street Photographer”. Why now is it so important to have a full on team of mentors to deal with this subject? Are we all lost in the wilderness of street photography? Is there a sudden need for a mentor to guide us out of the desert and into the promised land?

Don’t get me wrong, I love street photography; and I have no problem with the street photography label - I wear it with pride. I just wonder why this and why now? As far as my observations go most of the RFF members much prefer monochrome everything/anything (preferable film) processed in your own dark room, a bit gritty, or immaculately precise, and with a hint of old-timey nostalgia. Everything must be one step away from… making the book! When’s the book coming out? Damn, I need to make a book!

Anyway, these are just some of my inner street photography feelings. No need to take me seriously. If you think so please to ignore me.

Good luck to the new street photography team! Rock our world, enlighten us with stimulating conversation, invigorate us with, with… with invigorating street photography intellectual conversation! Viva le street!

All the best,