Street Photos - with your Leica X (all models)

X1 / Berlin
Now, that is something you don't see everyday! So many questions about the chair but what is going on with the dog? Very nice, Hartmut.
Trying to keep this thread alive...not many contributions :-(

From my Leica x1 archive, playing in a summer night...

Yummy good, Lovely & Atmospheric Robert....
A touch of eerie, a touch of speed, a touch of play

Yes! I agree!

I was hoping to share some work of mine but it seems I have lost my battery charger! Groan....

My digital photography has come to a screeching halt! Not that I was shooting a lot due to exhaustion, but I have some upcoming projects including the Wounded Warriors project that are coming active soon. <scratching my head>

Maybe I can sit back and enjoy more posts on this thread...