The 4x4 Baby Rollei Club

I just read that the Sawyer was a rebadged Primo Jr. Is this true, do you know?

Does the Rollei 4x4 have a 135 adapter as the 6x6 Rollei has?

i bought my pre-war baby exactly 20 years ago in Beijing.
i once put a bare roll of Neopan 400 35mm (in a dark bag) in,
a bit troublesome but great fun--or great fun but a bit troublesome.
a whole roll of 36 exposures are too thick so i have some light leak.
Got 3 rolls of Rollei Retro 80s 127 today and loaded up the 4x4. Now I just need something worth shooting.....

How many shots per roll do we get on these? The roll isn't too thick so I'm thinking maybe not more than 12-15? I couldn't find it written anywhere on the package.
Now I just need something worth shooting.....

"Old man with beard"
"Rusty faucet"
"Old car"
"Old barn"
"Harley Davidson"
"Selfportrait in mirror"
"Old leather shoe"
"Tree branches"
"Girl on swing"
"Abandoned house"
"Fruit on a table"
"A glass of wine"


How many shots per roll do we get on these? The roll isn't too thick so I'm thinking maybe not more than 12-15? I couldn't find it written anywhere on the package.

Thanks to JPD I have things to shoot now... :D

But I'm wondering how I'll scan any of these. I don't have a holder for 127 film in my scanner. The 35mm holder is too small and not positioned so it can be modified. Might have to look into modifying the 135 slide holder... that might work.
Took 6 shots today. Very nice to use, and fun. Might finish off the roll tomorrow and develop, just have to see if I can find a few more things locally that I 'want' to shoot. This is one film I don't want to be wasting away with snap-shots ;-)
@ Pirate and Jeff.. thanks! Looking forward to the results. I have a hunch they will be really nice images no matter the subject.
I will have a good comparison for those first 6 shots. I was shooting my Hasselblad with 80mm 2.8 on 25 ISO Rollei Pan film. Had a yellow filter on the Blad... and a Polarizer but still, the pictures will be the same subject, so I'll post a couple from the Blad to look at too. Oh, my 127 film is the Rollei Retro 80s. The Blad roll is drying now. I'll make it a point to finish up the 127 tomorrow and get it developed.
Ok, we have a problem. I just finished this first roll of 127 through my 4x4, but now, how do I develop it?? I have done 135 and 120 in my reels, but are they made for 127 also? Is that maybe what that extra notch is for?? I'll have to check it out and get back to you all about it....
Ok, looks like those reels I have should hold 127 also. I'll post more when I get something developed.

Also, one of the guys posted a picture from his 4x4 in the TLR Pictures thread.

Edit to add: Ok, the reel/tank is loaded. I have some stuff to do around the house but I should get this developed and have some shots scanned by morning at the latest! Can't wait to see how this little lens renders things. There's some Fence shots as from the Hassy shots linked above, a dripping faucet (1/2 second exposure), tree in the front snow covered yard, a goof that should come out black, a statue of a lion out back....
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Looks like I'm going to have to postpone till Wednesday. My Primo Jr. has a sticky shutter and sluggish film transport. I lost a roll. When I put the first roll through the shutter would click, but not fire. I have attempted through repetitive shutter actuations to loosen things up, but there's no avoiding a CLA. The problem will be finding someone who will work on this camera. I did put another roll through and the shutter appeared to be firing normally. I'll know on Wednesday.
Jeff, good luck with that Primo Jr.

I got 12 shots on my roll of Rollei 127 Retro 80s film. It's hanging to dry right now. Should be able to scan and post something tonight but it'll be around midnight.
I got 12 shots on my roll of Rollei 127 Retro 80s film. It's hanging to dry right now. Should be able to scan and post something tonight but it'll be around midnight.

Does it curl?

How did you expose it? At 80 ASA or lower?
It curls like a Bitc... Exposed as close to 80 as I could get, 60 on the dial. My shooting lately has tended to be a bit underexposed so please forgive that, it's more me than the system I'm using.

Finished scanning the first 3 shots. I cut the negs in groups of 3 so they will fit in my 6x6 sleeves. I taped the strip directly to the glass of the scanner since I don't have a holder for it.



I didn't even bother to take out the dust in this one.
Jeff, good luck with that Primo Jr.

I got 12 shots on my roll of Rollei 127 Retro 80s film. It's hanging to dry right now. Should be able to scan and post something tonight but it'll be around midnight.

Thanks, I'm hoping that multiple shutter actuations may have an effect. I'll find out on Wednesday.