the world wants to know!?

i saw that!
i'm sincerely curious mostly because i have no interest in the sony and wonder how tom is liking it.
Tuulikki does say that it is Tom's Sony....YAY for Tom, so Cool !

Wonderful array of lenses used on the A7
75 lux, & 50 1.1 nokton looked yummy GOOD !
A really cool close focus Voigtlander adapter is released by Cosina for the Sony and poooof .... Tom's gone digital :eek:
…did tom buy a sony full frame digital?

Who's Tom?

I bought a Sony A7 body. I bought it to use with my Leica R and Nikkor SLR lenses. Just about have it sorted out the way I like now, and it works very nicely. '

The body has its rough edges ... the controls aren't particularly ergonomic and the menus are a scattered mess. But the viewfinder and the sensor are terrific, and the Leica R and Nikkor lenses work beautifully with the sensor.

Who's Tom?

I bought a Sony A7 body. I bought it to use with my Leica R and Nikkor SLR lenses. Just about have it sorted out the way I like now, and it works very nicely. '

The body has its rough edges ... the controls aren't particularly ergonomic and the menus are a scattered mess. But the viewfinder and the sensor are terrific, and the Leica R and Nikkor lenses work beautifully with the sensor.


but the important thing is its not a fuji!
but the important thing is its not a fuji!


The important thing is that it is a sensor the same format these lenses were designed for, AND the lenses seem to work with it well.

I've been disappointed adapting the Leica R lenses to smaller format sensors for some time. And Leica M lenses do best on sensors/cameras optimized for them (the Ricoh GXR and the M digitals do the best IMO). I suspected a) that the format had something to do with it, knowing how fussy Leica is about their lenses' imaging qualities, and b) figured the A7 with its 24 Mpixel sensor was likely kinder to old lenses than the A7r. My hunch seemed to be correct.

I have no interest in the Fujis, though. Don't like their sensor, or their menus and ergonomics. YMMV

Ok, I admit bought myself a Sony 7. I had tried a variety of other digital Rf' (EVF and "glass") but though they are interesting, they did nothing that the regular M's and Nikon Rf's could not do with film. I regard the Sony 7 as a "platform" for using lenses, new and old, partly for fun and partly to see how they work on this newfangled digital thing. It will not relegate my film cameras to dusty corners - I still like the tangible sense of film. I take a picture, develop the film and I have something to look at against a lamp or lightbox - and I can do it today or living long enough, decades from now, without having to reformat anything - just file it in it's file page.
The Sony 7 is good for this : I have adapters for M lenses, Nikon SLR, Pentax M42 and some adapter that will allow me to use my remaining Leica DSLR lenses on it. All in all I have about 70-80 lenses that I can adapt to it! One body - all those lenses.
Yes. I hate the "menus" - far to complex and not easy to wade through - too many options - way too many. Instruction manuals written by "nerds" who probably never took a shot.
At the moment I am using it in colour - why go half way! However. soon I will figure out the monochrome setting and switch.
I look at it as a bit of a game changer of a camera. It is not a Leica/Canon/Nikon etc - it is whatever lens you put on it. I am OK with the electronic viewfinder - it has high enough resolution and the focus confirmation thingie is quite "cute" with the red edges flashing - a bit like a 60 drug experience!
At the moment i am using it with various M-lenses - mostly because I just got the VM Close Focus adapter. Works as a regular M-adapter, but with a flick on the little red lever - it will allow you to focus closer than a lens' closest focussing distance. How close depends on the focal length - but in a sense it is a DR Summicron set-up for everything from a Heliar 12mm to whatever focal length you can adapt to the M-mount, Brilliant concept!!! So far I have tried it with Summicron 75, Summilux 75, Nokton 50 f1.1, Nokton 50mm f1.5 and at the moment I have a Nokton 21f2.8 on the camera.
Yesterday I tried out an old Nikkor 200f4 (non -AI) and was amazed at the quality of the lens - and if the weather stays sunny tomorrow I take my 400/560 Telyt out. It is my 20 ft lens - anything further away from the car than 20ft will not be shot with this combination!
I am enjoying it - but I can't take it seriously yet - too many years of film and chemistry to switch in 48 hours! I am having fun though - and sometimes when you look at shot and realize that it has been shot at 5000 iso, you are amazed how good that looks. Film at 5000 iso is not that reliable!

Old Nikkor 200mm f4, Nikon DSLR adapter, Sony 7. I am still trying to figure out some of the colour "management" systems of the camera - and Light Room. But not bad for a lens that is close to 50 years old!