Vince Lupo's Mapping the West

As I've mentioned in an earlier post, not a State I'd visit but love to watch. Also, perhaps melancholic documentation of the West? I know some farmers in Western Europe; they all have MAs from ranking universities and they're going green. Flying drones; ditching heavy agricultural machinery; negotiating with the EU, and the banks, and managing nitrogen output. Cheers, OtL
Yes, most definitely a melancholic view of the West -- guess aspects of my personality are coming through! The farmers I know are using drones etc, but one thing they aren't using as much of is 'hand' labour. They're getting out of growing things like lettuce and chile peppers in favour of alfalfa and pecans. All done by machine -- big reason is that they can't find the people to work in the fields, and places like Mexico are doing it cheaper. Unfortunately it's just the way things seem to be going.

New Mexico is such an amazing and varied state -- my wife and I are seriously discussing moving there.

One thing I’ve noticed with many of the photos I’ve posted while I was out there is that they are darker than I’d like. I’ve had this issue before while working with another, older laptop, and I was hoping that this issue would have been resolved with my new laptop. Might be as a result of all the different environments in which I was working on the images, including in our truck as it bounced along the Interstate. I’ll have to revisit a number of these photos.

Roping a Heifer2 by Vince Lupo, on Flickr
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