Voigtlander 21/4 Color-Skopar Photos

Nikon S3, SC 21mm f4 color skopar on Superia 400

I recently picked up the 21mm Color Skopar after a nice example popped up in the local classifieds. What a gem! Tiny, cheap and lovely rendering :)

Kelp | Bruny Island, Tasmania

Leica M2, Voigtlander 21/f4 Color Skopar and Lomo 400

Here is one I shot recently. Prado Dam (on the 91 & 71 freeway near Corona, CA). Kiev 4a, Voigtlander SC Skopar 21mm f4. Ilford Delta 100 in ADOX FX-39 II.

Prado Dam whole by Mark Wyatt, on Flickr

I tried to capture this with my Mamiya C330f and Mamiya Sekor 55m f4.5 lens, but had to use two shots to get the whole dam. If I moved backwards, the land sloped down, and I lost the view (plus it was well into the weeds). Ilford Delta 100, FX-39 II.

I brought the Kiev 4a + 21mm as my back-up plan, and glad I did.

Prado Dam by Mark Wyatt, on Flickr