Voigtlander Heliar Classic 50mm f1.5

Thank you, Tim!

I find the contrast about normal to high, but I am used to work with lower contrast lenses such as the Summar. The lens has only six air/glass surfaces and is firmly coated. Until now I only used the lens at full aperture.

What is interesting, is that when I focus closer, there is distortion (around the border of the picture barrel vault and towards the center pincushion) but at infinity there is none, see the last picture. Until now all shots are at full aperture on Tmax400.

The original prints are much nicer than what I see here on my screen, I can't reproduce them very well on my computer.


gelatin silver print (heliar classic 50mm f1.5) leica mp

In this shot some severe pincushion distortion is seen, more than in other shots. Maybe the focusing distance has something to do with it.

Fabulous little violinist, btw.


Thanks, Raid and Pan! The violinist will be famous. I don't know his name, but he played heavenly. I guess he was ten, or maybe eleven years old. You can see from his face his concentration and drive.

I think the bored man was a policeman. He held a small phone to his ear. And he had no consumption.

Nice rendering on film Erik. Is this the version called "1.5 Heliar Classic VM" ? I'm sometimes confused among the various versions of the VC lenses!

Yes, I am also sometimes unsure which CV lens is meant. There are so many variations out there. My "Heliar 50 1.5" must be an old version.

edit: I meant the 50/2 snd 60/3.5
Nice rendering on film Erik. Is this the version called "1.5 Heliar Classic VM" ? I'm sometimes confused among the various versions of the VC lenses!

It is the new (2021) Heliar Classic 50mm f1.5. Until now Voigtländer only made the Heliar 50mm f3.5 (in various models) and the Heliar 50mm f2 (also in various models) as far as I know. This new lens is not as much corrected as modern lenses usually are.

It is the new (2021) Heliar Classic 50mm f1.5. Until now Voigtländer only made the Heliar 50mm f3.5 (in various models) and the Heliar 50mm f2 (also in various models) as far as I know. This new lens is not as much corrected as modern lenses usually are.


Thanks Erik, I understand about "less corrected" factor, which is what makes this lens so interesting (for me). The doubt I have is if this lens is similar or not different from the CV Heliar F2 which I own in the Anniversary Edition and which I like. I do not need a new lens but I would like this one :)

Heliar F2 Anniversary Edition : F2; 11 blades, min focus = 1m
Heliar F 1.5. : F1.5; 10 blades, min focus = 0.5 m

The glass? I don't know. Anyway interesting...
Robert, the Heliar 50mm f1.5 has six lenses in three groups, exactly as the old Leitz Hektor 73mm f1.9. Number of f-stop blades: 10. A nice factor is that the focusing and f-stop rings are black paint on brass. I'm not sure that the filter ring and the dept of field indicator ring are black paint on brass too, but I see no difference in finish. The lens is really a joy to use.

Very nice image Erik - it can be read both from "left to right" and "right to left".
The glow of the image reminds me of the Zuiko 50 f/1.4 wide open.