Which Rollei to keep and with what accessories? Xenotar, Tessar, Planar

Which Rollei to keep and with what accessories? Xenotar, Tessar, Planar

  • Xenotar 2.8

    Votes: 59 28.0%
  • Planar 2.8

    Votes: 114 54.0%
  • Tessar 3.5

    Votes: 38 18.0%

  • Total voters
Mostly I think it is the look of the viewfinder on the Xenotar that is pushing me in that direction. The rendering might be a little sharper on the Planar tho. The Xenotar just seems to have a more pronounced 3D effect. Yeah, part of my thinking is that by supplying nearly every accessory a new user would pay a premium to get into a new camera, or at least make my offering the most attractive on the block. I've decided to experiment with an open auction on the Tessar.

with all due respect, what you see in viewfinder is NOT your taking lens..There is no way to see thru lens except using a ground-glass at film plane. If you 'believe' there is a 3D effect, go with that.
The Xenotar model and the Planar model have the same viewing lens, so what you see in the VF is not with the Xenotar.
So from a I'm-broke-as-a-joke standpoint selling the rarer Planar makes the most sense... i'm thinking.

So your broke as a joke. As long as you hold the high dollar lens you know you have wheelbase in case you really get broke as a joke. That lens ain't eating any hay so it costs nothing yet provides you with 1500 in your back pocket in case of emergency.

I'd sell the cheaper stuff and stay with the upgrade. Do you want to be the guy that says I used to own a cool Rollei kit?
Why on earth would you want to get rid of any Rolleiflex cameras? These things are works of art, and when they work well, are nearly divine!

That said, I had a Tessar 3.5 Rollei, and if I were to keep but one that would be it. I simply LOVE the way the pictures I took with that camera look!
I would keep the 2.8 Planar or Xenotar, both great lenses (I have a 2.8 Planar and a 3.5 Xenotar). I'd keep the hood, yellow and orange filters and the Rolleinars 1 and 2. I have a Rolleifix but I can't remember the last time I had either of my Rolleiflexes on a tripod.
Tough decision. Glad I don't have to make it.

I am a sucker for a Tessar and would keep my MX-EVS Automat hands down but for one small issue. The viewfinder is nice and bright (a Maxwell) but has no snap.

So I shoot my Ikoflex iia instead. It is not as sexy as my Rollei but it also has a wonderful Tessar lens, and the viewfinder is very easy to focus without having to reach for the magnifier.
From the accessories, keep only the hood
From the cams: take the one with the best taking lens (if they are comparable - so no cleaning marks and the like, then keep the 2.8 (nicer for indoor shootings and more bokeh)
oh and just from a 'stylish' point of view: I've always found the 2.8's more attractive than the 3.5's.

<edit: but in the end I kept the ones with the 3.5 lenses since they seem to produce a bit sharper images>
Such a conundrum.

Wow, Greyscale!

I'm now in the enviable position to have 2 rolleiflexes, and I feel fortunate. :)
I knew a fellow who had three Dueseunberg motorcars. And why not? He also had a full-size railroad in his back yard with about a quarter mile of track. The locomotive was a small one, a camelback 0-4-0 he got from a pineapple ranch in Hawaii.
Maybe it is time for me to sell. My little 3.5 MX-EVS Automat is getting close to 100 rolls this year while the other three just sit around looking pretty.
Is the last post in this thread really from 2015?

I notice that some threads get pushed into the new post feed despite being relatively old. Sometimes it is the same thread being marked as recent. It must be a software thing.
I recall seeing and reading, feom the homepage, this same discussion a while ago

It's the poll.
When someone votes it brings the entire thread to the fore as if they postwd a comment.
This thread has a poll so.... someone probably found it, voted, and here we are seeing it at the top :)
It is May 13, 2018 today and we still see this thread here. It could be a "timeless' thread in which people post about their TLR models?