Who has moved to the Nikon ZF?

I purchased one on Saturday and by the time I got it home and charged the battery, I discovered it would not take a SD card. Stewarts Camera in Anchorage was already closed and I had a flight to CONUS that evening. I left the camera at the condo with a frantic call to my partner who was traveling to Baja but would be back in Anchorage on 9 May while I probably won't be back in Alaska till 1 July.

I wanted to take it to Scotland for a 95 mile hike in a few weeks but that is not to be. I will be taking my Leica MP, a bunch of Ektar 100 and my GR3. Stewarts told me to have my partner bring them the camera when she gets back to Anchorage and they will make it right. I do not do enough with digital to know if the camera or SD card was the cause and I did not want to force anything. The Nikon Zf will be traveling with me as I ride a motorcycle to the lower 48 and then around the world this fall.

In a way, it has saved me lots of bucks since I will not be purchasing a Leica Q3.
Do you find that the Techart II "hunts" for focus. I have one, but am on the fence as to actual performance.
Doesn't hunt anymore than I do in manual focus :)

With this 50/1, in my experience, eye focus locks in quite well. But, I also don't try to shoot in the dimmest possible conditions - works fine in low-lit restaurants, which is where I often shoot when out with the wife. Generally, Nikon eye focus for manual focus lenses both with the Techart or a dumb passive adapter is, at the moment, better than the rest. I'm basing this opinion on adapting SL2s, Z9, Z8, A7RV (haven't shot Canon mirrorless recently, so can't speak for current state of their MF eye-focus aid, if any).