XA2 Images

More dev tips:

- PET bottles are great for storing chemicals because they keep oxygen out very well. I buy Tesco's own brand fizzy water...you don't even need to wash them out! Obviously, remove the labels and mark them as poisonous if you use ex-food or drink containers.

- Ilford's film washing routine (fill and dump) is okay, but Kodak's running water technique is better. I've changed to using Jobo tanks with a hose that pushes into the top. If you're careful and use the correct flow, it actually uses less water than filling and dumping. It also requires no manual intervention, so you're free to wash up your equipment.

- Buy cheapo white plastic funnels from the kitchen department of Wilkinsons, Tesco, Sainsbury's etc. Mark them and keep separate ones for each chemical.

That's great - many thanks for taking the time to write such detailed information. :)

I particularly liked the beer suggestion..... I'm guessing you'd recommend only 'moderate' amounts! :D

That's great - many thanks for taking the time to write such detailed information. :)

I particularly liked the beer suggestion..... I'm guessing you'd recommend only 'moderate' amounts! :D

Most definitely!...fixing before development isn't much fun :bang:

Ektar 100
Thank you! But do you... FujiLove it? ;)

I chose my username in honour of my old X100S which reignited my interest in photography, led me to buying a rangefinder, and ultimately drew me into shooting film again. I’m now up to my neck in wet printing, have cameras coming out of my ears, and it’s become a great passion again.

So honestly, I don’t love it THAT much.

Bloody great photo though :)