Film by the Roll, 5-pack, Brick or Can ?

Film by the Roll, 5-pack, Brick or Can ?

  • Single or a couple of rolls at a time

    Votes: 112 25.5%
  • 5 packs

    Votes: 134 30.5%
  • Bricks of 10 or 20 rolls

    Votes: 221 50.3%
  • Cans - DIY reloading

    Votes: 102 23.2%
  • Mostly by post

    Votes: 125 28.5%
  • Mostly locally in person

    Votes: 63 14.4%
  • Impossible to get film - had to go digital

    Votes: 1 0.2%

  • Total voters
Well I originally voted for by the can, but now I have taken to using mostly 120mm film and have been getting it by the 5 or 10 pack. I have almost given up getting 35mm by the can and prefer the convenience of getting a pack of film, plus Silverprint have Agfa 100 rpx at a good price and I enjoyed a roll of Lucky 100 that I bought another 10. I am trying to build up a bit off stock of the films I have recently been getting decent results from: Kodak Portra 160nc, Rolei RPx 100 and Fomapan 100. I am testing some of that nice Shanghai 100 film so that may be added to the list (all 120) but I seem to be using it faster than I can build up stock as I am using it for project at the moment.
Ordering online I order as much as I can afford to negate shipping costs. Just got 25 rolls of Neopan 400 in from MPEX (bought it when they had a sale - $2.79/roll!).
Online orders are most of the time cheaper. Always ordering as much I can from a seller and put it into freezer.
Have bought a lot of Legacy Pro from Freestyle over the summer when the price was reduced for rolls near there expiration date. Then bought up some Ilford HP5 with there recent two for the price of one sale a couple of months back and now with current buy two get a third roll for free which has been available through Freestyle and B&H. Also a number of 5 packs of Kodak Porta 160 and 400 bought on line.

Still have given the local camera store an equal amount of business as well.

Like to see the brick and mortar places stay in business and do not mind paying the extra cost for items since they have been great for service and shared experience with staff and other customers. Appreciate the workshops they support as well . . . . .
I shoot only colour slide film, and don't even own a digital camera, but I haven't bought any film in the last five or six years because all my old Photobuds who've gone Digital keep giving me their old slide film stocks when they clean out their fridges and freezers. I received another 25 rolls of Velvia a week ago and will be getting more from another Photobud the next time we are together.
Right now I'd say I have at least 250 rolls in the freezer.
I bulk roll with the occasional loose roll to change things up. I usually buy them in pairs so that I'll develop two rolls in a 4 roll tank.
Cans. From b&H, sometimes a brick or two of something exotic. Freezer right now has 1 can of TX, 3 of Pan-F, 4 of HP5, 4 of XP2, and about 50 rolls of neopan SS.
Like to see the brick and mortar places stay in business and do not mind paying the extra cost for items since they have been great for service and shared experience with staff and other customers. Appreciate the workshops they support as well . . . . .

Yeah, I do my best to keep my local small camera shop going, Great service and decent prices.
Mostly in can's - Kodak XX in 400ft cans and when I can find it, TriX in 100 ft cans. Otherwise in bricks or boxes - usually 500 to 1000 rolls at a time.
None of the stores in Vancouver stock any volume of film and they are also at least double the price from the bigger web-sellers.