Leica Instax Camera? Rumor

Yes, one possibility is that this devalues the brand and as a result pulls down the prices for the higher end cameras. As a Leica photographer, that sounds good to me...

Another possibility is that it really does stimulate interest in film photography, and that this in turn encourages the continued development of the film M-series. As a Leica photographer, that also that sounds good to me...

But most likely, this will just become irrelevant and disappear. People get in to Instax because the cameras are cheap and because they offer something different. I doubt that there is a vast potential market that is currently stymied by the lack of a red dot on the cameras.

I agree, like the Sphinx cracked a joke.
The main mistake of this thing is that it looks too Fuji-like. For Leica it does not matter where the internals come from, the package must be unmistakable Leica (like the Panasonic-driven Q)

FWIIW, Andreas Kaufmann is pushing this toy on Facebook. :)
I used an Instax camera at a wedding last weekend. The photos created a lot of laughters and people loved that they could see all the pictures in real time. However, the film format is simply too small to be useful in any way. Everyone was squinting, looking for their reading glasses; putting these tiny photos into a photo album is pointless. As it is, the small Instax format is nothing but a toy.

I wish Leica had waited a bit longer and used the Fuji Instax "wide" or "square" format that was just announced, which I presume is larger?
How would you know? The accounts are no longer public and I doubt you are privy to anything on the inside.

Who cares if Leica is profitable or not? There will always be a billionaire out there who would be ecstatic if he/she could "own" Leica and be the "savior of Leica". Mind you, this has happened before.
I used an Instax camera at a wedding last weekend. The photos created a lot of laughters and people loved that they could see all the pictures in real time. However, the film format is simply too small to be useful in any way. Everyone was squinting, looking for their reading glasses; putting these tiny photos into a photo album is pointless. As it is, the small Instax format is nothing but a toy.

I wish Leica had waited a bit longer and used the Fuji Instax "wide" or "square" format that was just announced, which I presume is larger?

Not really, current is 62x46mm, the square will be 62x62mm.
You rang?



That body is arguably more affordable than what Lomo charges for their LC-A