Night Photography

Well, if any compliments are being telegraphed, I'll take them! Thanks Gregory, and thanks again Chris. This is a good thread - lots of variety and some awesome photos.
Was wondering one evening, snapping pics of paint on brick walls...

Tipping Hat to Marilyn

I noted someone to my right coming toward me with a big ole SLR in their hand. So, tucked the rangefinder away and let them pass by, then took this shot.

Photog at Night

hmmm - an RRS bracket on the camera, a tripod on the back... Maybe not just another SLR on the sidewalk.. Caught up with the photog and introduced myself - we had a nice chat on the corner. Checked out his work later and it was awesome! We've yet to head out for a shoot together, but it's on the list...
When I travel on business the evenings and nights are often the only time I have. The CV 35 f1.4 helps, as does pushing the film one or two stops. Here is one from Singapore:
