Pics from Perkeo II

css9450, thanks for starting this thread and sharing the great pictures! I have a Perkeo II and it's my favourite MF camera - great quality and it fits in a pocket. Mine's being serviced at the moment.

Here's one taken late afternoon in Sydney, TMAX400 in Rodinal:


check the recent RFF classifieds if you're interested in buying one of these cameras.

I have a nice one for sale. Look for "Hexar / N1".
I'm loving the shots in this thread! Nice work! Especially love the Delta 100... a film I'm warming up to almost as much as 120 MF folders. I'm looking into one for travel. Perkeo II is at the top of the list. THanks for these posts!
anyone in EU that services the Perkeo II? I have two for them but both need attention... Both usable but neither is real good yet. Now they just lie around