Sad News--Roger Hicks

So sad to hear this news. Roger & Frances' books and advice have been invaluable to me. Hopefully Roger's vast knowledge will live on in print and on forums like these to help and guide many other photographers for years to come.

My thoughts are with Frances and family. Strength and comfort to you all.
Devastating news for our photographic community and even more so for his beloved wife, Frances, family and friends. I cannot imagine how they are feeling at this very sad news; my heart and thoughts go out to them and Roger.

Roger has been with me on my photographic journey almost from the moment I took up photography seriously and started to educate myself, first through the Amateur Photographer magazine and his column, and then through his books. Roger’s advice is an exemplar of sound judgement and clarity.

To find him, here on this forum, quite unexpectedly when I joined was a wonderful surprise and joy, and I have enjoyed his comments, advice, knowledge and pithy ripostes immensely.

I will miss him terribly. I am bereft.
I am so sorry to hear of this.

I have always enjoyed your postings, Roger, full of eloquence and wit. With your sharing of knowledge and advice. I know I will miss all this, but I also know you will live on through all the work you have done for the community, and through the books and articles.

As it is, I do hope you will learn of all what we say here, while you still are with us. Oftentimes does the good words come too late ...
Dear Roger,

Dreadful news, say it’s not so.

Sending You Love, tears, giggling about the way You could stir up the pot pushing Us to think , pushing boundaries with your wickedly keen wit.

Thank You for making Photography FUN and informative .
Peace be with You ~ xo~H
“Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
~ George Bernard Shaw

Thank you, Roger, for sharing your creation. I've always enjoyed your insights.
So sad. Like others here, I've read his shared knowledge since "Shutterbug" magazine days. I've missed him here on RFF and wondered about him. He will be missed.
Roger you have been a tremendous influence on countless folks like me. I for one affirm life and pray for a miracle. Never give up. Our prayers are with you.
Very sad news :(.

Dear Roger, thank you very much for all your excellent work and your outstanding support of the photography community.
We pray for a wonder. God bless you.
As others have said, this is terribly sad news.

Roger has always been a beacon of light in a sea of photographic mediocrity, providing a sensible, safe and honest passage through the choppy waters of rigged reviews, fake gurus and hyperbole. I truly think it's impossible to read any of the books that he's authored or co-authored with Frances without getting a sense of the genuine warmth and enthusiasm of the man.

As an eloquent writer, I'm sure he'll probably groan at the above - but it is heartfelt, as are my thoughts and prayers for both him and Frances.

I first ran into Roger many years ago reading shutterbug and always looked for his articles. I bought my first Leica after studying another of his articles, an M3. Later Roger helped me find out what my M3 was, It's a bitsa, bits of this and bits of that.

We all must go sometime but it's still hard to lose someone much respected and, yes, loved by many.

Thank You So Much and Grace and Peace to you both.

Joe Showalter
Just to add my thanks to Roger for his contributions. Sometimes contentious and sometimes mis-interpreted but the forum would be poorer without his sort to challenge us and educate us. I wish you all the best Roger.
These are indeed very sad news. I have been studying cancer epidemiology for several years now, and I wish that there are no cancer cases anymore. I wish Frances all the strength. and I wish Roger no pain.
This is very sad news indeed.

Miracles can happen if we use our minds and the power of positive thought in the RFF community, to alleviate his suffering or even succeed in making Roger cancer free .
Very sad to hear this! Roger's knowledge, humor, and sensibility will be greatly missed in the online film photography community.
I feel fortunate to have encountered Roger here. I will miss him. I wish him dignity and peace for the rest of his time on Earth.
“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die anytime.” -Mark Twain

Have a peaceful journey Roger. Hope you are surrounded with family and friends!