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2002 World Series Anaheim Angels v SF Giants. I believe it was a Noblex 35. Unfortunately reproduced here under frame and glass. In person a beautiful and sharp silver print. You can see the streaking from the stadium lights.

2002 World Series Anaheim Angels v SF Giants. I believe it was a Noblex 35. Unfortunately reproduced here under frame and glass. In person a beautiful and sharp silver print. You can see the streaking from the stadium lights.

Unfortunately the image doesn't show here.
Late afternoon at Naples Pier, captured on Hasselblad XPan II with 30mm lens using Fuji Superia 400



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Not recent, but one I just came across while looking for something else.

Taken with a Fuji 6x17 back in September 2001, it was made into a 9' x 40' mural for the main lobby at Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, Maryland. Last time I checked it was still there (thankfully!).

AAMC Mural by Vince Lupo, on Flickr
A beautiful relaxing image Vince that must have brought some peaceful thoughts to many stressed out people over the years. You should get a shot of it in situ next time you pass by.


Rolleiflex 2.8 (using RolleiPano), Acros 100