Sony A7 /A7r hand on video at TheCameraStoreTV

I have Leica M gear and 6 lenses, and lots of people who could never afford a Leica digital, or like me didn't think their IQ was
commensurate with their grossly inflated prices would love to find a home for our lenses.

Nex was born to cater to legacy lens owners, and focus peaking was tailor made for using legacy lenses. I have 15mm for ultra wide, 21mm for wide, 25mm and 35mm for street, and 50mm and 90mm for group and formal portrait.

This Sony A7 is 24mp with PD autofocus, no mirror, and a body as small and light as the new Olympus M4/3 EM-1. Sony also has a 36mp model the A7r that has no AA like the Nikon d800e.

I hope that Sony made it as IQ friendly with rangefinder camera legacy lenses as the Nex 5n.

I am astonished that such a FF camera with a 2.4mp OLED EVR will list for $1699 for the 24mp version.

It also has an articulating monitor. Should be fun to use.
Well, my 5 M mount lenses have just found a new home. Honestly, I can afford a digital M but can't justify the cost with the number of photos I take per year. And as much as I enjoy Leica if I only take one camera it would be my X100. The technology just blows my M6/2out of the water. (It would be surprising if it did not as the X100 is over 60 year newer technology).

I am traveling for a year around the world leaving the US next summer. I have resisted getting a full frame digital SLR primarily due to size and weight and feeling I have enough cameras and lenses (primarily film cameras). The X100 is a hoot but I also like having more than one focal length but could live with it as a 35mm is hard to beat. Well, am now thinking one of these with 21, 35, and 90. My goal is to do this trip with a one medium size backpack as total baggage. Yea, Sony
The technology just blows my M6/2out of the water. (It would be surprising if it did not as the X100 is over 60 year newer technology).
depends on the film you shoot, any low grain 35mm film should still give you 25mp equivalent resolution. For high iso, digital would give you better details.
Since the A7r is 36 mp is that not close to the Nikon D800? Nikon advertizing (and others) claim results equal to medium format for the D800. Used to shoot 120 film but not in years. I still like film but what blows me away about all the new digital cameras is the technology.

Honestly, I have been using film since 1966 when I developed my first roll of TriX (actually 4x5 sheet film from a Speed Graflex) but if I am honest most modern cameras do a better job with exposure then I can.
:O.....why did sony stuck on top the a7 that hump!


Because it allowed them to make a big EVF and have room for a big LCD without making the camera bigger.

Leica users are a dedicated crowd. This will do nothing for them
Of course it will. There are probably as many kind of Leica users as there are, well, Leica users. I am one and I am considering the 7R. My decision pretty much depends on what the corner performance is like. This camera addresses many of the issues I have with the existing NEX cameras.
I don't know if the extra 12mp is worth the extra $500 since you only
can see the difference if your using a tripod and blowing up your prints
to poster size. Even at that a fractal software can up rez at least 2x without
giving away that its being used.

Also, the A7 has Phase detection which has advantages both in speed and low light situations.

Even though I have 6 M lenses, for sure I would want at least one stabilized
long zoom lens with Autofocus and a fast quiet focus for moving subject.
For that lens the A7 with PD on the sensor holds a big advantage for
focus tracking and burst high frame rate shooting. Even bursts for HDR bracketing, and panorama in camera requires quick bursts of in focus
shots so the subjects movement is small.
sony has this thing about making camera bodies disproportionately small compared to the lenses. it's mainly about bragging rights and marketing, but thankfully they don't neglect ergonomics too much.

i would have preferred it if the body's main block was larger on all axes. this fixation with making it as small as possible results in a lot of needless protrusions such as this faux-prism hump and lens mounts that are not flush with the rest of the body. it just bugs me that they choose to do this instead of making something with a more straightforward shape like a rangefinder.

viewfinder in the corner forever!
the 50 summicron cost more at f2. zeiss sonnar 50 1.8 for a grand is not bad. especially sonnar standard lens is a rare thing now days.
As for the 35, obviously they decided to release the 2.8 first but don't be surprised if f2 and 1.4 are on their roadmap.
I dont like evf, but does Leica's rf justifies 3,4 times the cost?

Believe me, i'm not suggesting that $1,000 is too much for any 50mm lens. I've certainly spent that and much more on a Leica 50 Lux-ASPH and a Summicron 50, and a Canon 50/1.2L. I am suggesting, though, that it's quite a lot for:
• a 'non-pro' camera system. Don't lets get into an argument about how professional work will be done with this camera. That's not really the point.
• a system without any other 50mm alternatives. If there was only a Canon 50L, then yeah, that 50 would be too expensive. But, they offer a 1.8 and a 1.4 at reasonable prices, and professionals were happily using that glass for twenty years before the L came along.

Contax, for quite a long time, had one of the best 50mm SLR lenses, and it costed under $500, no? Same with the G-45. 'Cheap as chips,' they said.

While i realize this A7/r is quite the capable piece of kit, with a thousand dollar 'normal' lens, Sony is stepping into the Pro/Luxury price range, without really having established itself as a pro's marque. And, as i said, i wouldn't have even commented if they offered an alternative. I'm not counting their reliance on 3rd party and legacy glass as a 'solution' or an indication of their range planning. And, i'm not saying i'm not going to put my money into this. I'm just sayin'.... And, yeah, the "sonnar" label is encouraging. I love that signature.
• a 'non-pro' camera system. Don't lets get into an argument about how professional work will be done with this camera. That's not really the point.

No, go on - lets. What exactly is a "pro" system. I'd be interested to read. I have a feeling that you are merely referring to a third parties perception, which is ancillary.
Seems an interesting camera...
Can I ask a dumb question: how good is the EVF viewfinder likely to be? Viewfinder is the thing for me with Leica.

+1 on that. Not a word on the EVF in the whole video, which is a very big omission...

Hm, getting to use my W-Nikkor 1.8/35mm LTM in full frame digital...:rolleyes:

Really hate that bulging exposure compensation dial (most useless invention ever, Exposure Compensation), the bump at the back and the ham-fist front grip though:bang:
Same EVF, excellent screen, no stupid hump:

Yeah, but no full frame sensor. The hump is a design issue. They could have, of course, made the EVF flush and integrated into the top plate, however, the camera would be taller overall. Damned if you do/can't please all of the people etc.
Sony may be creeping into some fresh marketshare....

Weather sealed, full frame, wont break your back, eager to see what comes out of this....
Yeah, but no full frame sensor. The hump is a design issue. They could have, of course, made the EVF flush and integrated into the top plate, however, the camera would be taller overall. Damned if you do/can't please all of the people etc.

FF sensors are not that much taller than APS-C (less than 1 cm). They've certainly managed to keep the RX1 small. And the A7/A7r is almost 3cm taller than the Nex-6. And taller (and longer) than some entry level DSLRs (like Canon 100D). Pretty sure they could have kept the Nex-6 form factor with only a slight increase in height, had they skipped the faux prism.
Hump or whatever this is still a very small camera for what it can deliver.

I like my D700 but the weight of the thing is a PITA ... this camera is a breath of fresh air!