Sony A7 /A7r hand on video at TheCameraStoreTV

The A7 certainly seems to have shaken things up.... things will start getting interesting over the next few years as this sort of tech. comes down in price.
While i realize this A7/r is quite the capable piece of kit, with a thousand dollar 'normal' lens, Sony is stepping into the Pro/Luxury price range, without really having established itself as a pro's marque. And, as i said, i wouldn't have even commented if they offered an alternative. I'm not counting their reliance on 3rd party and legacy glass as a 'solution' or an indication of their range planning. And, i'm not saying i'm not going to put my money into this. I'm just sayin'.... And, yeah, the "sonnar" label is encouraging. I love that signature.

What are you sayin?

Many pros will use the A7r. Mostly, it won't be their only camera. Most pros have a couple, ya know?

It is certainly a professional level tool, with strengths and weaknesses, like the big FFs.
I think it falls too much in-between to succeed. It is not mass, it is not pro, it will not replace a leica. I can understand Sony doing it as they do not have a rich pro-sumer segment to hurt (which is why imo Nikon and Canon are failing on purpose in this segment) and they have lost the initiative to Fuji. In this space I think Fuji is doing the right things for now.

For me it is still film 70%, 15% mkdII, 15% x100/iphone.

Does not replace a reflex for when you need it (sport, etc..) and costs more than four times the price I paid for an x100 four months ago.

I would love to use M/ltm lenses on digital FF but I would like to pay 500 USD for that so I need to wait when A9 will come out...
What are you sayin?

Many pros will use the A7r. Mostly, it won't be their only camera. Most pros have a couple, ya know?

It is certainly a professional level tool, with strengths and weaknesses, like the big FFs.

OK but do you think SONY would be proud to hear that they have made a great second body for pros (buying at 40% discount) and dentists owning leica?
FF sensors are not that much taller than APS-C (less than 1 cm). They've certainly managed to keep the RX1 small. And the A7/A7r is almost 3cm taller than the Nex-6. And taller (and longer) than some entry level DSLRs (like Canon 100D). Pretty sure they could have kept the Nex-6 form factor with only a slight increase in height, had they skipped the faux prism.

The RX1 does not have an EVF though, does it? Fit one and you get an unsightly lump. And as for the comparison of 1000D vs the A7 in height - theres 8mm difference and you've already accounted for the difference in the sensor size!! Are you really going to lose sleep over a few millimetres? Wailing and gnashing of teeth for the sake of it, imo.
The Sonnar ?

The Sonnar ?

Anyone expecting a classic Sonnar signature from te 55mm should look at the specs. This lens is a sonnar in name only.
I would expect very modern output.
7/5 with 3 asph elements.

Looking forward to all of your reviews.
The camera looks good. Hard to say if it's worth getting excited for.
Some real world images would be helpful.
December it ships ?
Hump or whatever this is still a very small camera for what it can deliver.

I like my D700 but the weight of the thing is a PITA ... this camera is a breath of fresh air!

Wow, Keith likes it!!

omg this is big. Watch out leica! :)

my fav was when you actually stayed up for the live feed after trashing it :)

good man :)
Can you explain why?

In digital I use FF DSLR or (recently) X100. Otherwise it is film for me. I would not look to A7 to replace any of the three.

If I need to shoot a sport event or nature, for example, I think a FF reflex is not replaced by a mirrorless to date including this one. As a combination of available lenses, speed, focusing. tele lenses an obvious one, but not just.
This is situations I do not use film anymore. And this could be a tennis or golf tournament or your son's basketball game.

regarding the x100 it is a comment based on if I should replace it based on price/quality and portability. I think it is good images, portability, when shooting low light. The X100 used costed me a reasonable amount of money (US$ 450) , fits in most pockets of my jackets and even if I am not super happy, has satisfactory speed. Not worth 1,700 USD for the limited use I have and would not fit in the pocket.

I do not think that I have found a camera that replaces shooting film for me or it is probably there and is called MM but I do not want to challenge my fiim camera stock and I postpone the decision. Plus there is six months or more worth of of GAS I can satisfy with USD 6000.

The lack of a rangefinder or optical finder for me is an issue with A7.

so, so, so, ugly, right?
Very unlikely to put different shutters in A7 and A7r.
Difference in FPS is probably connected to sensor pixel count and, respectively, sensor readout.

I can't see anyone passionately loving a schizo mirrorless camera pretending to be a DSLR. Well, maybe when they get rid of that hump... Then again, you never know with the youngsters.
I can't see anyone passionately loving a schizo mirrorless camera pretending to be a DSLR. Well, maybe when they get rid of that hump... Then again, you never know with the youngsters.


U seem to forget the Olympus omd series and the Panasonic g and gh series have been extremely popular w/ the m4/3 community for a very long time.

I first didn't like the idea of the hump being "pretending to be a DSLR" when I saw the original OM-D for the same reason I don't like those new fuel injected Triumph Bonneville with fake carburetors housing throttle bodies.

But then realized that to have a good, high-spec EVF, that was a natural implementation to put the mechanism there. Sure the OM-D is still trying to mimic the original OM series which was of course SLR, but A7 isn't making me feel it's pretending to be an SLR. I feel the functions and ergonomics choices they made shaped the form.

SLR needed that hump to house the pentaprism and focusing screen. Mirrorless with high-end EVF needs that to house the EVF (or OMD's case, OIS for the EVF as well).
I've been reading about the offensively loud shutter. I'll take 1/8000 second in a full frame camera and will use my film, or X 100 for street. The features and build look great at the $2300 price point.
To folks who have a problem with the hump size and placement: what else would you prefer they do with the EVF? It's a large unit, between screen and optics, and very similar to the Olympus VF-4 and the RX1 accessory EVF. If there's no room in the body for it, as they say, would you want the hump to rest on the end of the camera? Or would you just prefer the EVF to be moved to an accessory?