Vince Lupo's Mapping the West

Your gallery has so many stellar photos that it would be difficult to choose fifteen. It looks to me like they were selecting to be representative of your work and the location. I think they put together a very good set.

BTW, your Flickr presentation is among the best I've seen. I'm not a fan of that product, but you make it look good. Personally, I think there should be an option to change one's default destination to albums rather than stream.


Many thanks John - yes I think you're right that she chose a cross-section of the portfolio. Plus, based upon my artist statement, she likely chose pieces based upon the elements I mentioned in it.

Flickr seems to work well for me - I've tried a couple of others, but I've kinda just stuck with Flickr. Creature of habit, I suppose. My link below (in my signature) takes you directly to my albums, so you can certainly set your 'default' to that.
Vince -- you should ask the Leica Store DC to update their website. The exhibition that has been going for a while is still listed as "upcoming" and there is no mentioning of your exhibit.
Vince -- you should ask the Leica Store DC to update their website. The exhibition that has been going for a while is still listed as "upcoming" and there is no mentioning of your exhibit.

I just spoke with them, and they will be changing it soon, but they still want to promote the existing show while it's still up.

What a great exhibition space. I love your work. Especially many thanks for sharing all your experience in putting a show like this together.

Your other thread in comparing a SL to a M-246 with using a Noctilux really informed me.

The result is I bought a SL. LOL.

Many thanks Cal -- interesting that my SL/246 comparison resulted in my buying the M-D :)

For those of you who might be in the DC area on November 3rd, the Leica Store DC will be hosting a Happy Hour for the exhibit as well as a pre-DC Fotoweek event. I think it will be from 5-7pm. Hope you can stop by!
Great work Vince, and very inspirational! Congratulations on the exhibition & all the best with the project in the future!
Show looks great Vince. Was the opening well attended?
I hope you sell out also. Love the work...

Not as much as I would have liked. It was really crappy weather, plus it was held on a Friday evening. And Friday evening DC traffic in crappy weather does not make for an attractive combination.

There's going to be a 'happy hour' on November 3rd from 5-7pm, and hopefully there will be good attendance at that. However, since most of my 'peeps' are in the Baltimore area, I'm going to be relying on the Leica Store's DC contact list for attendance. They're going to make sure people RSVP in order to determine whether it's 'worth' having the event.

I've sold two pieces so far (one that's in the show, and another that's from the collection but not in the show). The method that The Leica Store has - and as I understand it, other Leica Stores have - is to not have any title cards or anything on the walls besides the work itself. They have a separate info sheet with artist statement, the titles of the pieces and prices. Looks very clean and austere, but it's not explicitly telling the viewer that the pieces are in fact for sale. At the reception I had a couple of people ask me if the photos were for sale, and I had to direct them to the info sheet. I think if I had to do it again, I'd have them put up title cards with prices as well as the artist statement/bio.
Putting the finishing touches on the other print that sold this week (the first one that sold was the shot that's on the postcard). This one is not in the show.
