Voigtlander 35/2.5 Color Skopar W/NW

It's been ages since I've used my CV 35/2.5, so I decided to put it on my Canon 7 for awhile.

Untitled by Colton Allen, on Flickr
Canon 7 Rangefinder
Cosina Voigtlander Color-Skopar 35/2.5
Expired Family Dollar (Ferrania) 200
Epson V750​

Canon 7
CV 35/2.5
Arista/Foma 200
Anyone have the Canon 35 f2 LTM and have the skopar (m mount)? How do they compare or differ?

I had the Skopar 35/2.5 in m mount and still have the Canon 35/2.0 LTM. They're both superb lenses. Although the Canon has a modern look, as one might expect, the images it produces seem a little rounder to my eyes, a little more 3D. Color images appear a tiny bit less saturated than color shots with the Skopar. The Skopar is very contrasty, with outstanding flare resistence (not that the Canon is flare prone -- its front element is recessed enough that I don't use a hood with it). Differences in handling come down to whether you prefer a tab (Skopar) or a knurled focusing ring (Canon). They're both lightweight lenses (the Canon has an aluminum body). I don't think you can go wrong with either lens. I'd make a choice between the two based on sample condition and price.

Here're a couple of photos to compare:

Skopar 35/2.5 in m mount:

Reading by bingley0522, on Flickr

Canon 35/2.0 LTM:
Scooters, Alfas, and antipasti by bingley0522, on Flickr
Sold this lens in M-mount a few years back and always kicked myself for it. Recently picked up a chrome LTM version for my Leica II, but I've been using it more often on my newly acquired M2. It's the best.





