Voigtlander 50/2.5 Color Skopar

gelatine silver print (color skopar 50mm f2.5) leica m3


Teemō;2921202 said:
Actually, this one was silver! But the prices of black lenses (and cameras) do tend to be higher, even when new.

How this lens draws, is very much like the Summicron rigid 50mm f/2. That one is a little bit sharper in the center, but less good in the field.

I rate this lens very high as an all-around lens, the mechanics are first class, the optics too and in black (it is black paint on brass) it looks really great, on the M-Leicas, but also on the screwmounts.

I shot this lens in a Nikon S mount. Just a few rolls, because I got out of Nikon rangefinders shortly thereafter, but I was impressed. I guess Voigtlander does market analysis, but it seems a compact 50 would fill a need. Sad this one was discontinued.
I shot this lens in a Nikon S mount. Just a few rolls, because I got out of Nikon rangefinders shortly thereafter, but I was impressed. I guess Voigtlander does market analysis, but it seems a compact 50 would fill a need. Good bad this one was discontinued.

I have both versions, LTM and S, but I think they differ slightly. The S version is even sharper and coatings look different.
