Voigtlander 50/2.5 Color Skopar

the 50/2.5 is quite hefty, and looks so beautiful. I'm really gonna miss the classic look of the "ordinary" (not quite so fast) LTMs coming from VC in favor of the M mounts
I like this lens too. Small but heavy due to the brass barrel.

Shot wide open at f/2.5 on Epson R-D1.


love this lens :D
I just bought one (new), but I think it has a backfocus issue. I have adressed this to the seller and am waiting to see if I can get it fixed... :(
this was the first lens i got fo rmy iiia, and its worked like a charm. i usually use it aorund f 5.6 and 8
it does great stuff with velvia
Did anyone notice that the price of this lens, new, at photovillage just went up by $100? I was saving my pennies for one, and this is a big setback.
I just noticed that my chrome 50/2.5 Skopar has almost exactly the same external design and size as my Summaron 35/2.8, and comparable build/finish quality. Reall nice lens, a definite keeper.
Well, after my initial posting here last year, I did manage to actually buy one. It was the last available in Sydney's Mainline photo shop - a silver version. I really love this lens for colour. With the Ektar 100, the results are simply wonderful. Now I am looking for the 35/2.5 and yesterday, I found one!
Early-on, this lens developed a poor reputation, said to be "soft" (it's anything but, as Sean Reid's review reveals!). Seems to me it was a CVUG list member in Norway who was using one to do a PoW project, and his pics looked great to me.

So in 2004 when I had an opportunity to buy one LNIB from a Photo.net member for $175 including M-mount adapter, I took the chance to see for myself. And have not regretted it a bit. Further, over the past 6 years its reputation has improved!

It's mysterious to me why a modest-speed f/2.5 50mm would "need" seven elements, but surely that adds to the heft and feel of solidity. Only gripe I can come up with is its small amount of pincushion distortion.

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Well, after my initial posting here last year, I did manage to actually buy one. It was the last available in Sydney's Mainline photo shop - a silver version. I really love this lens for colour. With the Ektar 100, the results are simply wonderful. Now I am looking for the 35/2.5 and yesterday, I found one!

Good find! I managed to get Scott's last black one, several months ago now.
Hey guys...quick question. What is this "S" version of this CV 50/2.5 color skopar? You can see on the Cosina site that there are two 50/2.5 listed. And one is also for sale on mapcamera.com.

Anyone used the 'S' version?

EDIT: Aahh...I think for Nikon-S right?
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