What are the worst words in photography?

Last night at work.

"What should I get, a new laptop or DSLR?"
Me: "Which would you use more, the laptop right?"
Him: "Yeah! But If I had a girlfriend I'd want the camera."
Me: "But you don't have a girlfriend."
Him: "Yeah... 50D or 60D? The 60D is C^#P you know! That's what my friend told me."
Me: "Man, all you want is the newest shiniest thing. Any old second hand digital will be enough for you. You don't need to go spending thousands for something that won't get used seriously."
Him: "Noooo! I want a new one, second hand sucks. And the 50D takes better pictures than the 60D, and it's cheaper. My friend told me to get the 50D and the 24-105mm, he said this is the best lens. Is it good?"
Me: "I'm sure it will do exactly what you want it to do. What are you going to use it for anyway?"
Him: "I want to take pictures of my roommate and his girlfriend having se..."
Me: "EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Yuck man, shut up!"

:D Yeah, fun times at work.
or . . .

or . . .

. . "...my friend is getting married and they asked me to photograph their wedding. Can you give me some pointers?"

that's a really nice camera you have, it's so big . . . can you photograph my cousin's wedding ?
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Wife while on a trip:

I don't feel like stopping just so you can photograph that. It's not interesting.

If you wanted to use that other camera why did you leave it it the car?

Why are you are wasting money taking so many photos of the same thing?

What, you're changing rolls again? How many rolls are you using on this trip? What does that cost?

I haven't heard that in a long time now. (Used to, though.)

Now if she doesn't have a book to read, there are flowers/birds to identify, and I need to remember to make sure I don't leave her after I've packed up and got ready to leave.

And rarely, wait for her to finish working something she's decided to shoot before moving on too far.

I guess things change a bit over 37 years...
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depends on the daughter.... :D

My worst is "your lens caps on" AFTER I take over a dozen pictures.

Or, after taking what had to have been the 42nd exposure on a 36-exposure roll, a daughter asking "are you sure you loaded the film, Dad?"

I hadn't. Spent two hours down in the bugs and weeds amongst the spring wildflowers with no film in the camera. The other body was loaded, though.