What camera are you carrying RIGHT NOW?


Picked up Pentax-M 50/1.4 via craigslist on my way to office so K-7 is with me to test out the lens. I can't leave home without film cam so IIIf RD & 50/3.5 with TriX @ 1600 is in the bag as well.
Waiting in the computer lab after class at my college in Ann Arbor, MI. Waiting for one of my friends to get out of his photo class so we can go downtown to do a mix of street and some long exposure work.

In my tenba mixx bag, I've got my Nikon F4s w/ 50mm 1.2 AI-S, as well as my Nikon F100. Neopan 1600, Neopan Acros, and Superia 400
Presently there is a Rollei Giro 28 M in my jacket pocket. Got it at a thrift shop for 2£. Loaded with battery and film it seems to working - no idea how the results are going to be though. Nice and heavy little camera, feels sturdy.
dented M8.0 and an f.1 Nocti which arrived in the post this morning and it seems to focus fine - on this body at least. I've got some 160VC in the 'fridge to try it on the MP, fingers crossed :)
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I am going to post it now because I am not so sure when the next time I will be on a computer....for the next 7 days, I will have 2 bodies ..m6ttl / m2....lenses...15/28/35/50/90 stuck to my side...I leave in a couple of hours to Myanmar and I NEVER leave my gear in hotel rooms....so this stuff is going to be with me 24/7 for the next week....and to be honest, i couldn't be happier....

cheers, michael
"The Other Guys" day.

Pentax and Olympus SLRs with me for a walk and coffee with friends then off to Reese's birthday party.


K-7 & 50/1.4 (e. 75mm) and OM2n & 35/2.8 with TriX@1600.
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Today was my first real attempt of the 2 bodies, 2 speeds, 2 lenses.

M4-P arista 400 @ 100 CV 35/2.5

M6 arista 400 @ 200 CV 35/1.4

about 5 rolls were shot. I need to get my rodinal so I can soup it
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Hey Sug,
I can't help but to notice that Sexy Finder in this shot. Reminds me of a girl I used to know ...

Just got office. I realized my M2 has been getting all the love from me lately so I took IIIf RD & Color-Skopar 28/3.5 with me today. Arista Premium @ 1600 inside, 28mm VF on, and "Barnack Ready" Arista Premium in the special can. Oh, and an iPhone 4. :p


As always, my trusty Contax T2 is by my side, even when attempting to study for a Corporate Finance exam in the library. Obviously studying pretty hard whilst on Facebook and RFF on my phone!