What camera are you carrying RIGHT NOW?

M7 with f1 Nocti + TriX @ 3200
I was curious at buying a flash today - honking huuge these things - who needs a flash!
Switched out. Finished redoing the light seals on my Nikon F with Photomic prism thingy, so I'm carrying that around to run a roll of film through it and check for light leaks, along with a Nikkor 135mm F/2.8 lens I picked up in the Used cabinet of a local photo shop for $49 bucks!
At home with an iphone to the left of me, 5d and bag full of glass to the right of me, F3 w/ tmax 400 above me on a shelf and a Rollie TLR with Tri-X in the car ready to go.
This afternoon I carried a Canon IVSB2 and Canon 1.9 collapsible loaded with Supra 100. It wears my VCII meter.

At my feet is my everyday gadget bag which I have been carrying daily until lunch today. It has: Canon 7s with 50/0.95; Canon 100/3.5; J12; cv 25/4 & vf; 72mm filters; 40.5mm filters; lenshood for the j12 for when filters are used; cleaning kit; six rolls of film
Currently at Brisbane Airport

- Leica MP with 50mm PreAsph Lux
- Zeiss Ikon with 28mm Cron
- 35 PreAsph Lux, CV 50/2.5 color skopar
- Tri-X and FP4+
I'm at work. M6 with Jupiter 8/Ektar film is in my bag, as well as my Olympus Stylus Epic/Arista Premium 400 that I took out to lunch with me.