Who needs Fuji ?...LUBITEL is BACK !!!

Local time
5:29 PM
Feb 24, 2007
Just got my weekly comic ( Amatuer Photographer ) and the news is - Lomo has launched a new TLR, designed to shoot 35mm as well as 120 film!. Built as a 'loving re-creation of the original soviet era classic, the Lubitel 166'. This one will cost UK £259.65 ( I remember buying a new one in the early eighties - £25 - if memory serves! ). This one shoots - 6x6, 6x4.5 and 35mm panoramics that include the sprocket holes! :D .
So cancel that pre-order for the Fuji folder!.....it's going to be a good year for film buffs!:D
Cheers, Dave.
I saw that on the Lomo website, and I thought to myself that if anybody knew bought that I would beat them to death with it as a punishment for their idiocy.
£260 for a plastic camera? When overpriced second hand original ones sell for a tenth of that, why would you buy that?
is it dishwasher safe? that would be nice.

*harry (in case you weren't just being sarcastic) is just a good rollei technician in california.
No sarcasm intended ( although I have been known to indulge occasionally, in reply to some posts! )......fact is - a lot of names, - stores, technicians etc., that are used over there, and 'household names', are a mystery to old guys like me, tucked away on this little island! :)
Cheers, Dave.
A friend just bought a sinfully expensive iMac because her Windows PC had crashed. Just because she thinks it's cool.

She only ever uses her PC for Facebook and MSN... I can't bring myself to tell her that she could have bought a perfectly decent PC for signifcantly less than half what she paid for the Mac.
I saw that on the Lomo website, and I thought to myself that if anybody knew bought that I would beat them to death with it as a punishment for their idiocy.
£260 for a plastic camera? When overpriced second hand original ones sell for a tenth of that, why would you buy that?
I would not.....but suspect that a lot of self-professed 'fine-art' shooters will, the same way they do - Holgas, Lomos, Dianas etc.!
Cheers, Dave.
A friend just bought a sinfully expensive iMac because her Windows PC had crashed. Just because she thinks it's cool.

She only ever uses her PC for Facebook and MSN... I can't bring myself to tell her that she could have bought a perfectly decent PC for signifcantly less than half what she paid for the Mac.

And gotten a computer probably one-tenth as good! even if you're not using all the capabilities, there is nothing wrong with stability, freedom from viruses, ease of use...

BTW, you could buy a nice digital camera for a fraction of what most people on here pay for cameras.

Oh, and the LOMO people are hinting at different backs for the new camera being offered in the future.
~ a digital back? ;) ~

They haven't said, but some people seem to think it may be. I think I remember hearing something about people getting surveys from LOMO, with some questions about digital.

Also, having given it some thought, I would concede that buying a mac because it is cool is a silly reason, even though the computer itself is good. All the reasons listed by myself and other posters are good, but buying it for fashion is silly.
Paying a little bit more and buying a mac because it looks cool might be a bit silly, but buying a Lubitel 166 for £260 is plain crazy - you could probably get a Rollei 3.5F for that with a bit of luck.


I bought a mac because it looked cool.
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I agree that with Macs there is at least a reason (justifiable or not) for overpaying. But you can buy the *original* Lubitel from KievUSA.com for under $90! 260 Pounds works out to what, $350? $400?

I've said this before -- the Russians are giving up on a good thing by being Lomo's bitch. They could position themselves right below Cosina/Voigtlander if they wanted -- copies of everything from Leica to Hasselblad, all just a CLA away from being very nice cameras. Instead of trying to compete in that market, though, they're letting the Lomo people do all the selling. I guess in the end only us, the consumers, are worse off for it.

I might buy a Lubitel for $90 (I've bought one for $70 before). I wouldn't buy one for almost $400. I mean, at that price, you're probably close to the new Fuji folder, which will be a *much* nicer camera...
You can have your Lubitel cleaned by the wife - for nothing!:D
PS who's harry fleenor?[/QUOTE]

Harry Fleenor is the Rollei specialist who, when I enquired about getting the lens cleaned on my Rolleicord, took a week to reply to my email to imform me that he didn't really like working on the Rolleicord and suggested I annoy someone else! :p
Let me preface this by saying that i love holga cameras, and that some of my technically best shots were made with a seagull (granted, it had a really nice tessar copy...).

"Lomography" is nothing but a marketing trap. When I first heard about the so called lomography movement, I was told that it was started by austrian students who fell in love with crappy cameras during a trip to russia and wanted to spread the word, so to speak. What wasn't mentioned, however, was that these were not art or photo students, but marketing students. The entire thing is designed from the start to con money out of people who don't know any better, and they are very good at keeping their customers in the dark, while massaging their egos and making them feel hip at the same time. Take note of their "10 rules of lomography," which begins with "DONT THINK, just shoot" (emphasis added). This ensures that their customers always have not only a perpetual case of GAS, but they shoot a lot of film as well. Since lomography heavily markets and sells expired slide film which is sold at almost the same price as unexpired film, they continue to profit from their customers well after the sale of the overpriced cameras. This is not a style in the artistic sense, it is a style in the trendiness or fashion senses. They can and will make any product fit their marketing designs, as evidenced by the fact that they are or were selling off a batch of minoxes, which were being marketed as superb lomographic cameras. Apparently, cognitive dissonance is not in the vocabulary of many lomography customers.

If you insist on getting a brand new cheap tlr, order a seagull from one of the reputable camera dealers. You will save money and get better results.