ZM Biogon f2 35mm perfect 35mm RF lens? Show your examples

Zeiss Biogon T* 35mm f2 ZM lens, Sony A7II
Yokohama, Japan - September 2018

Another well dressed person.

The Mother-in-law relationship?

Feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Zeiss Biogon T* 35mm f2 ZM lens, Sony A7II
Yokohama, Japan - September 2018

A smart woman wearing a well ventilated top.

The wife that guides her husband with finger pokes in the back. He looks well trained.

I pity the poor fool that gets to close to her coffee.

Whistle while you walk.

For those not keeping score on my last two threads:
1. Wanted a 35/2 Biogon. (thought) I bought a Biogon.
2. Got a 50 Planar by (my own) mistake. Loved it.
3. Actually bought a Biogon.

Got it late last evening and took it out on a short trip to SE Washington (state). Mostly shot film but have a few digital; wide open and stopped down; BW and color.

Excited to take it downtown for some street scenes tomorrow. a 35 is usually glued to the M8.


Auburn. M8 / 14 seconds @f/8


Aberdeen. M8 / 1/350 @ f/8


Dead mall, Aberdeen. M8 / 1/125 @ f/2


Wishkah St. M8 / 1/60 @ f/2

Minor note: behind me in the second photo was a plaque commemorating Aberdeen native Lee Friedlander: "Working primarily with Leica hand-held 35 mm cameras and black-and-white film, Friedlander's style focused on the "social landscape". His photographs used detached images of urban life, store-front reflections, structures framed by fences, and posters and signs". Well, I guess I was doing that, too.
For those not keeping score on my last two threads:
1. Wanted a 35/2 Biogon. (thought) I bought a Biogon.
2. Got a 50 Planar by (my own) mistake. Loved it.
3. Actually bought a Biogon.

You forgot:
0. Have an Ultron-M 35/1.7 :)

For most us it takes years to go through a series of lenses.

I'm having fun following your adventure as you compress years of living into weeks.

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You forgot:
0. Have an Ultron-M 35/1.7 :)

For most us it takes years to go through a series of lenses.

I'm having fun following your adventure as you compress years of living into weeks.

Hey now, I've been a good boy and spent exactly $12 on gear in the last five years. I'm not going through lenses, I'm just building up a kit. (and for the record, it was a heavily brassed LTM bought a decade ago!) :D

As for compressing years of living into weeks, that's been the case in grad school: 10 months of sitting in front of a computer and drafting board, two of indulging in every possible hobby and avocation to make up for lost time.

But more photos from a Seattle Design Festival event last night. I used to volunteer for event photography every year (where I learned the M8 doesn't like third party batteries), but this time around it was nice to chat and see exhibits.


I’m not qualified to judge the 35/2’s perfection, and I’m more likely to take the RX1/Sonnar as a dedicated 35 kit, but I’m glad to have this lens for my RFs.


MD 262, f2.4 1/180


Washington Square, f5.6 1/125


Ditto f4, 1/500
Sony A7II camera, Zeiss Biogon T* 35mm f2 ZM lens,
Voigtlander VM/E Close Focus Adapter
Yokohama, Japan - 30 June 2018





Don't drink the kool-aid!
Nice images and extremely useful as it points out the different rendering between Sony and Leica. And it is different, I could see that in those images right away.
It is a fantastic lens.
But mine squeaks :bang:
As to posting with the file limits it cannot show its power.
Anyway I will try to find something