Do you smoke?

Do you smoke?

  • Never, except for maybe the occasional try

    Votes: 287 50.8%
  • Seldom or never

    Votes: 83 14.7%
  • Occasionally or socially

    Votes: 69 12.2%
  • Regularly, no intention of quitting

    Votes: 54 9.6%
  • Regularly, tried to quit or relapsed

    Votes: 27 4.8%
  • Regularly, sure would like to quit

    Votes: 45 8.0%

  • Total voters
Creagerj said:
Now Hookah is something I do like. It can't be good for you but it defiantly isn't as bad as cigarettes. Almost no nicotine or tar, however any smoke in the lungs is bad.
Unfortunately, smoking from a hookah- as nice as it can be- is just as bad as cigarettes. Several recent studies have demonstrated that hookah smokers have pathologically high levels of nicotine in their urine (I hate to break it to you, but there is infact both nicotine and tar in hookah smoke). One study indicated that hookah smokers drag more deeply, and take as many as 6 times as many drags during a smoking session as cigarette smokers. Put that in your pipe and- well, you know.

That said, I started smoking cigarettes socially at age 21 :)bang:) and quit at 30, by which time I was up to half a pack, sometimes a pack a day. I still have one every now and then, and I have the very occasional cigar, but I'm really glad I don't do it habitually anymore- 4 or 5 cigarettes a years is so much better than 10 to 20 a day. (Just keep telling yourself that.)
Used to - quit 5 years ago or so.

I still buy a pack everyonce in a while - open it, smell a cigarette, then give the whole pack away to the first person who asks for a smoke.

My Girl and I sometimes enjoy a fine cigar on the back porch, but that's a once every two months or so thing.
Like a lot of people my age, I grew up around cigarette smokers and inherited the habit just like a bad gene. I smoked from my high school days until just over 16 years ago--after recurring episodes with bronchitis. Well, the smoking is gone but the bronchitis still pops up every couple of years. Nothing like spending several nights upright in a chair, coughing your lungs out to remind you of the "good old days" spent with Luckies, Chesterfields, Camels and Marlboros.
Once a very attractive girl asked me this question, exactly with the same words. And how much i wished i was smoking!
No, I was smart enough to quit 30+ years ago. To this day I can`t stand being around it.

General Motors banned it in the work space in 1975 so I have avoided exposure mostly since. It is tough to get into some buildings with the puffers gathered around the door.
Only smoke on rare ocassion of having a drink with my friends at the bar. That's like once a month if even that.

Besides that no way in hell am I gonna be smoking nor am I ever gonna pay for a pack of cigarettes.

I'd much rather spend that cash on camera equipment rather than cigarettes.
I voted never, but I think the poll be more interesting with an additional criteria indicating former use.

It would also be interesting to see whether there is correlation between smokers/non-smokers and wet/digital darkroom users.... hmmm.

How about a poll for how many people would take up smoking if it could be made to increase your health. I'd vote for that!
Pitxu said:
Here in France smoking in public places, including bars and bistrots, will be illegal from January 1st 2008. Kind of hard to imagine a French bistrot without an odeur of Gauloise or Gitanes.
So then, no more cafés for me unless it's warm enough to sit on the sidewalk!!!
What !? Smoking banned inside of bars and bistrots from next year in France ?? :eek::bang:
I wanted to visit a friend in Paris next February and have a beer and smoke a Gaulois .... :(
Pitxu said:
Sounds crazy I know, but all too true. In fact, government is debating right now if the terrace (sidewalk) counts or not !!!
The sidewalk too ??? :bang::bang::bang:
Pitxu said:
That is to say the sidewalk part of a sidewalk café.

That is we can sit on the terrace, have a cafe au lait (Pernod, Pastis ...) and are not allowed to smoke and no photos of strangers in public places ... ? sic transit gloria mundi ...
To quote Black Adder......... "I only ever smoke after sex.....................I'm a 20 a day man old chap!"

That is to say, not really.