Sad News--Roger Hicks

Let's toast to a generous, dedicated, and wise man! His contributions to the photography community will never be forgotten.

RIP Mr. Hicks!
Let's toast to a generous, dedicated, and wise man! His contributions to the photography community will never be forgotten.

RIP Mr. Hicks!

Well said, aizan. A great loss and a wonderful legacy. The photographic community is better for having had him in our midst.
Perhaps I will lift a pint this honor a great presence in the photographic community. We will miss you Roger.

Bittersweet, but I'm glad the last week was a short one. I've had the unfortunate chance to see the "last weeks" of cancer more than once. Best if it goes quickly.
Rest in peace, Roger. You're off on a new adventure now. Those of us left behind are saddened by your loss.

Frances, to you I send my heartfelt condolences and I wish you your own peace.

- Murray

Thanks, Dave, for letting us all know.
My sincere and heartfelt condolences to Roger’s beloved wife, Frances, family and friends.

I feel immeasurably diminished by Roger's passing, but tonight I will raise a glass of something suitable to celebrate a life that leaves me with good memories here on the RFF, and a wonderful legacy for our photographic community.

RIP Roger.
This is indeed so very sad and I will always be grateful for his rich body of work and the contributions here on the Forum. He will be greatly missed. Thoughts and prayers to Frances and the wider family.

The Amateur Photographer in their (current) 13th April 2019 edition announced Roger's illness and his last 'Legends of Photography' article is in the same magazine. His last 'Final Analysis' article will be in next week's edition (20th April 2019).


Andrew C. More
Really sad news. I've interacted with Roger here a few times and own a couple of his books. He was quite a fount of information.