Sad News--Roger Hicks

May he rest in peace. Goodspeed Roger, good light and keep shootin'
My condolences to Frances, his family and friends.
Very sad news and sincerest condolences to Frances. He was always an inspiration to me and very much a larger-than-life character who will be greatly missed. TW
Indeed, my dear sir ... rest in peace, and Godspeed, whereever you may travel now.

Thoughts and prayers goes out to Frances, family and friends.
Condolences to his family and especially to Frances. I don't think I'm out of line when I say that RFF will cherish the wonderful memories of Roger and all that he has said and done here. He will be missed.
Think of the thousands of would-be photographers (me included, of course) who found inspiration in Roger's instructive columns in Shutterbug and other magazines, long before the internet, and in his more recent online writings. His legacy will live on in a million pictures. Much love to Frances and his family and friends. His wisdom and cheer will be missed around the world.
I’m flying home from a family funeral. Already bereaved, I am very sorry to hear this, but pleased for Roger that he is no longer unwell or pained. I will miss our discussions.

I’ll have toast with tomato from my garden for lunch, and raise a glass of rough red to Roger tonight.

I've heard it said that when a person has lived a good life, when they die they can say to themselves, "They're going to miss me," and be right! Certainly this describes Mr. Hicks, as so many here have confirmed. I am sorry to hear of his passing, and will miss his presence.