Sad News--Roger Hicks

Life is strange

You get used to things and people, whether you like or dislike them they're there... until they're gone

I don't think I will ever get accustomed to this
Go in peace Roger. You can now take pictures in Heaven and enjoy the best French wine up there. Make sure you document everything in case you have to write another book. My condolences to Frances.
DEATH be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not so,
One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die.
My sincerest condolences to Frances, as well as Roger's other family members and close friends. He was both a mentor with rare common sense, and an inspiration as a free spirit. I learned a lot about photography from his website and posts here, but it was the somewhat random other stuff that he posted or published about his and Frances' life in France that connected with me personally as a foreigner resident in Luxembourg. I had great exchanges with him here, and deeply regret that I didn't make it to Arles or somehow otherwise meet him in person, and will miss his presence here.

I had an e-mail from him a couple of months ago asking if he could use one of my photos I posted on the 'AP Magazine Forum' to illustrate an article in AP magazine - of course i said 'YES' and sent it. i am a cancer 'Survivor' -- Prostate 2005 with the op, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma 2008 with Chemo, Basal Cell Carcinoma Skin Cancer 2018 and Bowel Cancer 2018 with a Stoma Bag now but I am lucky I'm still going !
It is with great regret that I have to post here that it has been reported that Roger died on Monday 8th. April.
There are threads on the Amateur Photographer web site.

I have not posted in a while, but was sad to see this news. I can only echo what many here have already said.

Amidst the tragedy always be grateful for Roger's life, his profound influence on others and his many friends and accomplishments. My condolences to Roger's family. -- martin
Thank you all for your comments.

Please remember Frances not only this week but always. If you can think of how we, individually or together, can be of some comfort and assistance, then you can start a thread.

I am sure this fine community of caring people will respond as they always have in the past.:)
Oh, I will miss that man. He had a rare sensibility and his writing was always a pleasure to read, whether or not you agreed with him. His writing also left one with the impression that one knew him, and he shared his knowledge and insight with great generosity.
I will miss his very personal approach to photography, and his generous attitude to photographers. With my most heartfelt condolences to his wife, Frances...
It's hard to wrap my mind around this news. Roger has always been willing to share his knowledge of all things photography. He will be sorely missed.

We are losing some of the best photographers, true masters of the art, they will be remembered.