Do you smoke?

Do you smoke?

  • Never, except for maybe the occasional try

    Votes: 287 50.8%
  • Seldom or never

    Votes: 83 14.7%
  • Occasionally or socially

    Votes: 69 12.2%
  • Regularly, no intention of quitting

    Votes: 54 9.6%
  • Regularly, tried to quit or relapsed

    Votes: 27 4.8%
  • Regularly, sure would like to quit

    Votes: 45 8.0%

  • Total voters
I am taking care of my mother now. She is 76 years old. She has Lung Cancer and end-stage COPD. Her lungs give her only 20% of what they should. I urge those of you who smoke to quit -- if not for yourselves then for those who love you.
I was a two-pack-a-day smoker and quit about five years ago.

Now, I find I can't stand being around cigarette smoke, and I have to leave a bar or pub or even a restaurant if the smoke is very heavy - it never used to bother me.

But - I do not blame smokers. It was a choice I made to smoke, and it was a choice I made to stop. YOU should do what you want to do. It's your life, your body, and you have the right to do with it as you please.

Non-smokers who have never smoked (or at least never been addicted) do not understand. They think that preachy, holier-than-thou crap works. It doesn't. It makes us irritated with you, is what.

Yes, we know it kills. Yes, we know second-hand smoke can't be good for anyone, either. It's a drug - but it is a legal drug. Until that changes, it's still a personal choice, and I support personal choice.

Yes, my dad died at 61, and he was a four-pack-a-day man. Did smoking kill him? Probably had something to do with it. My granddad was a heavy smoker too - unfiltered Raleighs. He made it to 78. My other granddad was a heavy smoker, unfiltered Bel-Airs, and he made it to 85. Did smoking end their lives earlier? Yes, probably.

But here's what you non-smokers don't get. Smokers DO NOT CARE. It is a drug, we're addicted. You don't understand that because you have never been addicted - and I'm not talking about being addicted to sugar, or caffeine, or any of that pansy crap. I'm talking about cocaine and heroin type addiction. You could tell smokers that you have an x-ray of their lungs and the tests just came back and they are GOING TO DIE TOMORROW and they would shrug and light up another one. We LIKE to smoke, it FEELS GOOD and we generally don't have any desire to quit. Your words are just so much blah, blah, blah to us.

Of course, this means nothing to most of you. You have never been addicted, you don't get it, and even after my little rant, you will still continue to preach to your friends and family, out of love and concern, I'm sure, but it will do no good, except to mark you as a complete prat.

Some of us will quit by quitting. Some of us will quit by dying. And that's that. All your words, all your logic, all your photos of diseased lungs, they mean nothing to us. Our addiction is much stronger than your puny facts.

So, smokers, have one for me. I used to love it, but I'm glad I quit. Food tastes better, and I can exercise without coughing up lung butter. But if you don't want to quit, don't. Enjoy it.
No smoking for me, though I sometimes think I'd look good with a pipe. :) I've had athsma all my life have enough gunk in my chest already. But I don't think of it as a moral failing, and I detest the current attempts to make every indoor and outdoor area into "tobacco free zones", which seems to the latest anti-smoking power-trip.
Guess what Bill? Non-smokers DO NOT CARE that you are an addict!
Smokers use that "I"m an addict" crap to annoy us with their disgusting habit. Smokers don't understand us because they've forgotten what it's like to breathe clean, fresh air. My walk to work is ruined every single morning by some inconsiderate smoker lighting up in front of me, forcing me to hold my breath as I scoot past to fresher air. The streets, sidewalks and even flower beds are awash in filthy discarded butts.
I BLAME smokers. It's a choice they make to smoke. No one forces a gun to their head. And in this day and age when all the health information is available, and given the expense of tobacco products, it's a STUPID choice!
Guess what Bill? Non-smokers DO NOT CARE that you are an addict!

I know that.

Smokers use that "I"m an addict" crap to annoy us with their disgusting habit. Smokers don't understand us because they've forgotten what it's like to breathe clean, fresh air. My walk to work is ruined every single morning by some inconsiderate smoker lighting up in front of me, forcing me to hold my breath as I scoot past to fresher air. The streets, sidewalks and even flower beds are awash in filthy discarded butts.

It is disgusting. It is also legal. And therein lies the rub.

I BLAME smokers. It's a choice they make to smoke. No one forces a gun to their head. And in this day and age when all the health information is available, and given the expense of tobacco products, it's a STUPID choice!

You are free to blame smokers.

And it is a stupid choice.

And in a free society where tobacco is still legal for adults, it is a stupid choice they are allowed to make.

My comments had to do with non-smokers who think they can tell smokers about the risks, show them the facts, give them a good education on the dangers, and expect them to immediately come to their senses and quit. They won't because they are addicted. That's not an excuse, that's an explanation. They don't care what you say to them. And they've heard it before anyway - you guys always think you're the first one who ever though of popping your little health factoids out of your heads at smokers. The drug they are addicted to tells them not to pay attention to your facts, and they don't.

Now, I agree with you about the dangers of smoking. And I agree with you about the imposition that smokers put on non-smokers who have to walk the gauntlet to get past them as they sully the air. I think that laws are slowly changing to reflect society's growing desire not to tolerate that behavior anymore. But change comes slowly.

In the meantime, it's legal. Sorry. I'm not fond of liberals, but apparently there is no open season on them, and they're allowed to hold their idiotic beliefs, so there you go. Something I just have to put up with, you know?

And while I'm at it --- I am also of the opinion that people who go to great lengths to tell others how to live 'because it's good for them' never stop. They aren't satisfied if you quit smoking. No, they want you to lose weight and eat right and exercise, and oh by the way, they're Vegans and wouldn't you be happier if you just quit eating murdered animals, and while we're on the subject, did you know guns kill? IT NEVER ENDS.

Oh, those people never admit that, no. They only want you to do change this ONE THING and they THEY PROMISE they won't stick their noses into your business anymore. But do they keep that promise? Hahahahaha. No.

So I tend to tell people who wish to give me direction in my life to jump in lake.
2 packs a day for 15 years... clean for 15 years now.

...other stuff, heavily for about 5 years... got too boring to continue...

now I'm just getting old and shooting old cameras...

And while I'm at it --- I am also of the opinion that people who go to great lengths to tell others how to live 'because it's good for them' never stop. They aren't satisfied if you quit smoking. No, they want you to lose weight and eat right and exercise, and oh by the way, they're Vegans and wouldn't you be happier if you just quit eating murdered animals, and while we're on the subject, did you know guns kill? IT NEVER ENDS.

Oh, those people never admit that, no. They only want you to do change this ONE THING and they THEY PROMISE they won't stick their noses into your business anymore. But do they keep that promise? Hahahahaha. No.

So I tend to tell people who wish to give me direction in my life to jump in lake.

I agree completely. That's why I keep my mouth shut even after I stop holding my breath!
I agree completely. That's why I keep my mouth shut even after I stop holding my breath!

And I keep my mouth shut when I have to leave a bar or restaurant because the smoke is too much for me now. I would be quite the hypocrite to complain about the smoke after having contributed to it for so many years. So I just leave and find another place and keep my thoughts private.

I vowed that when I quit I would never become one of those former-smoker/anti-smoker people. Those guys are freaky.
A few weeks ago I was chatting with my doc. We were discussing recent research that nicotine seems to slow down or maybe even prevent Alzheimers, it increases cognitive abilities, moderate smoking protects lung tissue from exposure to more harmful chemicals, like a sun tan protects your skin from getting a sun burn.

The older generation that's been dying of lung cancer was a generation that grew up in an era when air polution was rampant ~ auto exaust without catalytic converters, houses, schools and factories heated with coal, factories powered by coal, electricity generated by burning coal, trains running on coal, and no "scrubbers" on those smoke stacks. Coming out of the Great Depression grey skies and foul air were a symbol that people were working again. Prosperity! And asbestos was in plaster, and paints contained lead and mercury.

The X-rays showed clean lungs, he said they sounded good, I had good lung capacity, my blood was well oxygenated, and he remarked that he was jealous that I still had all my hair and a flat belly, offered me some Viagra samples, told me I was good for another thirty years, and we said goodbye until the next check-up. I went outside and lit a cigarette. I nthought about the folks I'd known who never smoked but died of heart attacks in their 40's and 50's. One was 17. Maybe he wouldn't have been so grossly overweight if he'd been a smoker.

I did quit once, back in 1978. I was going through a divorce and it was taking its toll on me. My doc had me on traquilizers. One day after a routine exam, as he was writing up his report, he lit up and offered me a cigarette. Yup, even docs smoked in their offices back then. When I declined the cigarette, telling him that I'd quit, he asked me when. He soon realized that it was shortly before he'd prescribed the tranquilizers. He again offered me a cigarette, telling me that they were less harmful than the drug I was taking. I lit up and I bought a pack on the way home. I've been feeling good ever since.

It is a nasty habit, though, and the mosquitos all agree that my back yard would be a much more pleasant place to hang out and bite people if there wasn't all that nasty smoke around. They have to go next door to eat.
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Freedom has its price. It is really a matter of who is paying the price for your freedom.
I quit about 9 months ago, I've always loved having a cigarette, I don't really even know why I quit to be honest, maybe I was trying to prove I could, who knows, haha, I love the smell of other people smoking... will I smoke again? Perhaps if I learn moderation ;)
I used to, but I quit oooh, July last year so almost 18 months ago. At first I admit I missed it but as time has past, I don't at all now. I had tried quitting plenty of times before (always gone the cold turkey route...) but usually lapsed a few months afterwards. Once the lure of cheap Luckies on a trip to Tunisia was too much!

That said, as a non-smoker, I certainly don't force that on others and if someone is smoking near me, I'll just move without making a fuss.

That said, I find some of the most sumptuous and sultry photos to be smoking shots... Go figure!
I don't smoke and put this down to my late father who always smoked cigars. As a kid I would pester him for the butt ends, which he usually put in the funnel of my clockwork train as it went round the track. One day though he gave me about the last inch of his cigar to smoke, which I did and was violently sick. I never wanted to smoke after that!
I really wonder why a thread like this.

Since I was the one who started this, I'll try to answer.

I was curious.

There was a poll and a thread on another board, and I was curious as to how the people here would score on it. I actually did a cut-paste of the options.

Interesting are the numbers of those who have never smoked and those who smoke with no intention of quitting.

Are rff folks obsessed with polls?

Yes, we are.
Today is (hopefully) my last day!

I quit once before in earnest, using Chantix. Worked well for 5-6 months and in a fit of stupidity, started again. So I just nearly finished my first week's "build-up dose" of Chantix and tomorrow is the first day I stop smoking.

Hopefully for the LAST freakin' time. I wish I never started, but you can thank my mom, the military and a weak will. :D

The hard part is standing there with a beer in one hand... And no butt in the other.

Good luck! I had a very tough time quitting. One thing I recall helped me - when my mind tried to make me go have a cigarette, I realized that trickery was called for. I gave myself permission to have a smoke - but one catch - I had to wait 2 minutes. By this method, I discovered that if I waited two minutes, the urge would have passed. You only have to be strong for 2 minutes. Good luck!